
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

As I am brand new to this group, I thought I might introduce myself. I once was a C programmer (eons ago) and now I am a technical writer for Sun Microsystems. Currently, I am writing about cloud services. Before that, I wrote tutorials on how to develop Ruby and Ruby on Rails apps using Netbeans. Before that, I was writing about JSP web apps. I have a blog at which has been inactive since I was pulled from NetBeans Ruby and the divas were split up (diva#1 was moved to JavaFX and I am in the clouds), but I plan to start posting again.

Earlier this week, I popped over to Oahu for the most excellent Aloha on Rails conference. It was a welcome change from my reclusive, work-from-home, never having face-to-face conversations way of life. One of the take aways that I got is that I really need to get connected and I really need to get involved outside of my work environment, so here I am.

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How about July 18th 11:00 to 2:00?
Hi Chris,
I'm thinking a Saturday is better. I've also got a Doodle poll going out to the Natural Energy Lab volunteers for 7/17, 7/24, 7/31. Right now, 7/24 is in the lead. Would that day work for you?

Chris Kutler said:
How about July 18th 11:00 to 2:00?
24th is the best for me. 7/31 is definitely out. 7/17 is ok.
Aloha, Chris. Let's plan on the Saturday July 24th. According to my Doodle poll, it is a toss up between the 24th and 31st so it's settled. July 24th it is. One location modification request, I'd like to have it at the NELHA beach park, as this the Friends of NELHA volunteers usual spot and we have our supplies at the Gateway Energy Center. Okay for you?

Chris Kutler said:
24th is the best for me. 7/31 is definitely out. 7/17 is ok.
Sounds great. What is our next step? We need a write up for an announcement/invitation and a plan to disseminate, e.g,

To reiterate your suggestion for this get-together:

Tech Hui Big Island invites all those interested in high tech to a BBQ where we can introduce ourselves to each other and discuss what we'd like to do as a hui.
Aloha, Chris! That is a great invitation. Please send it out to all the Big Island Hui. We will meet up on Sat July 24 from 3:30PM at the NELHA beach park somewhere around the middle area near the tidepool. We will join the volunteers and staff of the Natural Energy Lab of Hawaii. All those interested can contact either of us through Tech Hui. This is a pot luck and BYOB event. Mahalo! Guy

Chris Kutler said:
Sounds great. What is our next step? We need a write up for an announcement/invitation and a plan to disseminate, e.g,

To reiterate your suggestion for this get-together:

Tech Hui Big Island invites all those interested in high tech to a BBQ where we can introduce ourselves to each other and discuss what we'd like to do as a hui.

aloha Chris,

nice meeting you at the 7/25 first TechHui meeting. 


I have been thinking about your comment of surprise of using Windows to monitor the algae project and I think I know where you are coming from.  yes, it would be unwise to rely on Windows to do real-time control of the plant in 24/7, day-to-day operation.  the Opto 22 platform utilizes embedded processors to perform the real-time logic and control.  the Windows machines are simply for HMI and data logging.  the Windows machines do not even need to be running for Opto 22 to remain in control and perform its logic.


I hope to talk to you more about this and other technical topics at the next meeting.

That makes sense then if you aren't requiring 24/7 uptime. I am a bit
out of date and forget that widows boxes are so cheap these days that
one can build a farm with backups. I just know that my Sun boxes ran
forever (when I had them) and my windows need rebooting all the time.

Hey guys, I'm trying to get more involved on TechHui. Thought I'd add a quick entry. I'm a student (for a couple more months) and looking to build a tech community in East Hawaii. We're throwing events at a place called Hawaii TechWorks, right across from Rainbow Falls in Hilo. I've big on Big Island for almost 8 years, and would love to be able to make a good living as a software engineer here.



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