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China behind cyber attack on 30 plus U.S. companies?

After a cyber attack targeted at over 30 U.S. companies. Google and others are looking at reassessing their business operations in China after evidence that the attack was perpetrated by an organization working on behalf of or directly for the People's Republic of China.

China's stance towards censorship, puts foreign companies in an interesting position. Google; for example, has decided that they will not abide by China's dictates around censorship, while others like Microsoft, have indicated that they will comply.

I'd be interested in getting people's general thoughts on this as the story unfolds, but specifically, I think it would be an interesting discussion to talk about what this means for companies doing business and wanting to do business in China. With U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman indicating that, China based attacks on government computers have been "ongoing for a long time." It makes one question the safety and security of the digital information being generated and used by these companies.

Cyber attacks are nothing new, and something that companies have to position themselves against, but what does it mean when it's the sponsoring government perpetrating the attacks?

I'd be interested in getting your thoughts.

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Looks like the hackers actually stole source code from some top US companies including Google by attacking the Perforce repositories. They even think that the hackers checked in code that could later help them spy on said companies. Seems like a pretty sophisticated and calculated attack.
Google ‘99.9 Percent’ Sure to Shut Down in China

China yesterday called Google’s plan to defy government censorship rules “unfriendly and irresponsible.”
interesting.. he he. What does China call information/mind control, needed & justified?

“China wants to be the leading place for research and development. They’d like to have tech companies here but they don’t want the content involvement. But you can’t separate the two.”
Excellent point. China wants technical progress, but they want to do 'their' way.. simply not realistic (and IMO highly egotistic).

The resolution of the dispute with Google rests on the company, not the government, Li Yizhong, minister of industry and information technology, said on March 12. “If one company violates the Chinese law and is unfriendly and irresponsible, that’s unwanted and means the company doesn’t merit its world class status.”
Non-sense. Who gave China the right to 'award' world-class status?

China may have 840 million Internet users, or 61 percent of the population, by 2013, according to EMarketer Inc. in New York. The country had 384 million at the end of last year, according to government data.
Interesting.. which means China will have a lot of unhappy & deprived Internet citizens.. which means China could be on a brink of an internal information renaissance :)

Interestingly enough, Microsoft has no problem with 'helping' China continue censoring search results.

"Cyberattacks are an unfortunate way of life," Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said.
Right.. IMO it's just really 'good business' for Microsoft, at the expense of Internet freedom.

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