
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Following Michal Anne Rogondino impressive presentation on GUI at the Unconferenz, there was a lively discussion. Anyone interested to meet up to continue the talk? I'm interested to perhaps share each other's GUI designs and provide feedback to one another. I think that would be really helpful to me.

p.s. Michal Anne, what presentation software do you use? Didn't look like your typical powerpoint!

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This is a really sweet approach to pagination I came across today:

go to the bottom of the page
fast and easy to understand

(and despite the name, no it's not a porn site)
That wasn't intuitive to me. At first I thought the slider was redundant with the page number links. Only after clicking to page 5 and seeing the slider not move did I figure out that there were 271 pages and the slider scrolls the number links.
I just found out about this today, but I'll attend.
I also didn't get it at first, but once I did I found it very useful. Perhaps a word or two of text would help (slide me!)
I like the Paginator.
Done all in Javascript:

p.s. that's a LOT of posts there!!
It was good seeing you guys at the meetup today. If you have any suggestions about the format or topics for future sessions please let us know. I look forward to hearing about Blue Lava's photo management app during the next meeting!

I created a GUI Meetup group so we can organize our discussions. This thread is getting a little long :-)
Argg, I was there at 6:30 and didn't see anyone so concluded the reason was the conflict with Honolulu Coders meetup. Not til I got home did I see that the mtg was for 7pm. Hope not to miss the meet-up next time.
Thats really unfortunate. Our office is one the first floor (#151). Next time if there is any confusion just swing by. I was looking forward to discussing this topic with you and learning more about your cocoa app.

I was just chatting with Shawn about your challenge porting the app to Windows. I suggest you take a look at using Swing with WebRenderer. WebRenderer is a great product that works on Windows, OSX and Linux. It can wrap IE, Firefox or Safari. These days Swing is fast and with a little work you can make apps that look great. Its also feature rich and makes use of modern OO design patterns just like Cocoa.

We have used this combo for a number of projects with good results. Feel free to give me a buzz if you want to discuss this +1 (808) 393-9119. We could also start a discussion about this in the GUI Meetup or Java group.

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