My interest is LOB's and supporting business technology (doc mgmt, eForms, WF, etc.) Considering WPF, Click Once, AJAX, WSS, and Siverlight, I was following the Acropolis CTP with great interest. The Acropolis project is pau - but migrating into .NET:
Glenn Block's direction article about Acropolis migration:
Also referenced in Glenn's article is a great WPF direction/primer document from David Chappel (attached):
Missing from these discussions/considerations is the impact of WSS for LOBs. The integration of LOBs with WSS is a major part of my current work.
Considering the most common technology environment found in Hawaii businesses, it seems that the combination of AJAX with LINQ is the best common denominator for rapid application development. AJAX/LINQ applications should be easy enough to migrate into the future .NET environment described by Glenn's article.
I would appreciate thoughts and links to consider. Please keep in mind that SharePoint Server technology (the big brother of WSS) for the Extranet is too expensive for Hawaii businesses. However, I do expect to see companies with BOTH SharePoint Server Intranets (using BCD and Forms Server) and WSS Extranets - as an affordable solution. WSS and Silverlight are logical partners and we should start seeing successful implementations.
To be clear, my goal is to provide Hawaii businesses with immediate .NET solutions that will serve as foundations for future .NET functionality. I am hoping to develop a local consensus in selecting the right .NET implementation technology to use today.