
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

So I know nothing about code but I'm pretty tech savvy. Was wondering if there was anyone available to maybe sit down and hang at Glazer's with me and have some coffee and maybes how me the basics of making a wordpress site? I need to make one for a non-profit but have no clue what I'm doing. I use wordpress now and am familiar with the user end of it but not how to put it on a server and customizing it...

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Do you have hosting yet? Some hosts have it set up where you can do a single click install through Fantastico - you just push the button, and it makes a Wordpress site for you on the domain and folder of your choosing.

Installing it from scratch is pretty easy too. I can show you sometime if you want. I use Wordpress on my site and I've installed it through Fantastico, Dreamhost and manually, it's pretty quick and customizing is just FTPing folders up, and then clicking "Activate" in the Dashboard
And... You can they have oodles of templates that you can use and modify. Always amazed at what you can get for free nowadays.

You really shouldn't code too much anyway, 'cause if you do... it may mess up doing updates (which come pretty often).

Good luck!
sid, that'd be awesome man. its just im such a noob at all this and i think i just need help with someone pointing out basics for me and then i can rock the rest...
Jared I. Kuroiwa said:
And... You can they have oodles of templates that you can use and modify. Always amazed at what you can get for free nowadays.

You really shouldn't code too much anyway, 'cause if you do... it may mess up doing updates (which come pretty often).

Good luck!

yeah that's what the initial appeal was for me to do it ia wordpress.
Hey Joe, I'll help you out ... I've done a few hundred WP installs at this point, I can almost do it in my sleep =) I just found out where Glazers is after driving past it on my way home from the doggie park today ...
Joe Philipson said:
Jared I. Kuroiwa said:
And... You can they have oodles of templates that you can use and modify. Always amazed at what you can get for free nowadays.

You really shouldn't code too much anyway, 'cause if you do... it may mess up doing updates (which come pretty often).

Good luck!

yeah that's what the initial appeal was for me to do it ia wordpress.

Awesome! Want to meet up at Glazer's one night and take it on?
Would you folks mind if i sit in, too? I am looking at doing a few WP installs and possibly migrating my blog over from MT. Thanks and please let me know the details.
Yes, totally know but want to have a base of wordpress understanding before I get into it. Not sure how much backend wordpress stuff they're going to do. Last wordpress thing I went to with Matt Mullenweg he just gave a run down of the dashboard.
It really depends on how deep you want to get. Like most Open Source stuff nowadays, it's PHP/MySQL based, so you can rip it apart if you really wanted to...

To get one up an running? 5 minutes (even less if you have Fantastico).

Making it look and feel the way you want? Could take days... Or seconds if you like out of the box.
Yes, am attending that as well. Thanks!

judi clark said:
You guys do know that there's a free Wordcamp (as part of PodCampHawii) coming up later this month, right? You can learn this and way more. Check out PodCampHawaii for more info. Did I mention that it was free? and that we have some awesome speakers coming? Oct. 24-25, Honolulu Convention Center.

Alex Salkever said:
Would you folks mind if i sit in, too? I am looking at doing a few WP installs and possibly migrating my blog over from MT. Thanks and please let me know the details.

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