Time: May 18, 2013 from 9am to 11am
Location: on-line
Website or Map: http://hawaiiflash.org
Event Type: conference
Organized By: John Barrett
Latest Activity: May 17, 2013
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This month the Hawaii Flash User Group will feature Daniel Freeman, and Gary Paluk. The meeting will be live on-line through. You can see the event at the flowing URL:
Daniel Freeman's talk:
This presentation is intended to provide a beginners insight to using Stage3D directly, without the use of a 2D or 3D framework. We start by introducing fundamental principles of 3D graphics.
1. Principles 3D graphics:
* Vertices, Triangles, Meshes
* Winding, Backface culling
* Depth Buffering
* Transformations
* Perspective Transforms
2. Introduction to AGAL
* GPU Programmable Pipeline
* Vertex Shaders and Fragment Shaders
* Interpolation Registers
* Other AGAL Registers
* AGAL Instructions
3. Writing AGAL Shaders
* Solid Colour Fill
* Gradient Fill
* Rotation Transformation
* Gradient Cube
* Texture Cube
* Simple Light Source
* Phong Shader
4. Extrude and Lathe
* Procedurally generated corridors and rooms
Gary Paluk Talk:
"Build your own 3D Engine". It could be broken down into:
- Vector and matrix primer
- Tips to learning 3D math
- Vectors and matrices
- Vector displacement and space
- Geometry representation and meta data
- Programmable vertex and fragment shaders
- Control systems and modern device interfaces
- AAA engine features and scalable design
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