Time: April 9, 2009 from 8:45am to 12pm
Location: Manoa Innovation Center - Presentation/Training Room
Street: 2800 Woodlawn Drive
City/Town: Honolulu
Website or Map: http://www.nist.gov/public_af…
Phone: (808) 539-3814
Event Type: conference
Organized By: Janice Kato, HTDC
Latest Activity: Apr 2, 2009
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Federal funding opportunity: The Technology Innovation Program (TIP) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has $25 million in first year funding for high-risk, high-reward research projects in two areas of Critical National Need: Civil Infrastructure (innovative, cost-effective sensor and sensor-network technologies for testing and monitoring of the structural health of major infrastructure components) and Manufacturing (enable better, more cost-effective use of advanced materials in innovative products).
Learn more about this federal program and how to apply by attending a broadcast Proposers' conference at MIC. The conference will provide general TIP program information, guidance on preparing proposals, and the opportunity for questions and answers. NIST/TIP staff will answer questions about the TIP eligibility and cost-sharing requirements, evaluation and award criteria, selection process, and the general characteristics of a competitive TIP proposal.
The event is organized by HTDC, HREDV and UH College of Engineering.
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