
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Event Details

Green Drinks Honolulu

Time: April 7, 2009 from 6pm to 8pm
Location: Email us to find out where the next event will be...
City/Town: Honolulu
Website or Map:…
Event Type: green, tech, sustainability, renewable, energy, and, more
Organized By: Laurens Laudowicz
Latest Activity: Apr 7, 2009

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Event Description

Protecting environmentally minded professionals from a mediocre social life!

What is Greendrinks?
Every month, people who work in the environmental field or have in interest in a greener planet meet up for drinks at places all around the world at informal sessions known as Green Drinks. We have a lively mixture of people from NGOs, academia, government and business. Come along and you'll be made welcome. Just say, "are you green?" and we will look after you and introduce you to whoever is there. It's a great way of catching up with people you know and also for making new contacts. Everyone invites someone else along, so there's always a different crowd, making Greendrinks an organic, self-organizing network.

These events are very simple and unstructured. Make friends, develop new ideas, do deals and forge a new organic future. It's a force for the good and we'd like to help its spreading to other cities. Honolulu Greendrinks meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 5:00 - 9:00 PM...or later.
Put it in your calendar and count on it: Greendrinks is happening every month!!!

Honolulu Greendrinks Data Sheet
WHAT The world famous GREENDRINKS
WHEN: 5:00 'til whenever (we are now starting at five o'clock, so you can come after work for $1 pupus ;-)
RULE: First Tuesday of every month!!!
WHERE: Sign up for the email invite list to find out where.
HOW: Walk, cycle, bus, surf, taxi, vanpool, whatever gets you there...public transportation, if you can find some, eh?
WHO: Anyone who is working on, or is interested in environmental issues here in hawaii and the rest of the world
WHY: Fun, contacts, drinks, info, gossip, inspiration, business and pleasure
NEW: Just go up to someone and say "are you green?", and you'll be made welcome—or just look for the sign!
REMIND: To get on this email circulation list, send an email to:
PRIVACY: This email list is ONLY for Greendrinks reminders. We will not give your email address to anyone else.
STATUS: Informal, self-organizing network. Every month since 1989. Average attendance: 50 to 500
GLOBAL: Now active in 311 cities worldwide! UK | USA | Canada | Germany | Sweden | Japan | China and many more...

Be sure to bring your friends and colleagues to have a couple of drinks with green folks like you—environmentalists, journalists, academics, elected officials, green builders, green business folks, health care professionals, doctors, chemists, developers, artists, students and just about anyone else who is interested in a better Honolulu and Hawaii environment. Greendrinks is a social activity, so come enjoy an during-the-week drink with some really caring and talented people at Honolulu's greendrinks event.

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