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ICS Seminar at UH: Shumin Zhai from Google

Event Details

ICS Seminar at UH: Shumin Zhai from Google

Time: October 9, 2014 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Location: University of Hawaii, Manoa, POST 127
Event Type: seminar
Organized By: Scott Robertson
Latest Activity: Oct 8, 2014

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Event Description

Shumin Zhai,Google

“Where will the next HCI breakthrough come from?”

Breakthroughs and progress in HCI can come from radical innovations, foundational research in understanding and modeling user behavior, or technology evolution in both software and hardware. It is difficult to predict which kind of work is more productive at a given time. Using text input that my colleagues and I have focused on as an example, I will informally review a few projects of all three kinds, and raise challenges and opportunities ahead.

Shumin Zhai is Senior Staff Research Scientist at Google where he leads both current and longer term research efforts in advancing the state of the art of text input. Prior to 2011 he worked at IBM Research with his colleagues on user interaction performance modeling, input device design and evaluation, novel interaction modalities such as eye-tracking,  and interaction method inventions such as word-gesture keyboard. He is Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, Member of the CHI academy, and Fellow of ACM.

POST 127, Thursday, October 9, 4:30pm

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