
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

HVCA/ThinkTech Luncheon - China Reciprocal Investment - April 28, 2011

Event Details

HVCA/ThinkTech Luncheon - China Reciprocal Investment - April 28, 2011

Time: April 28, 2011 from 11:30am to 1:30pm
Location: Pioneer Plaza Building 20th Floor
Street: 900 Fort Street Mall
City/Town: Honolulu
Website or Map:
Phone: 8082627329
Event Type: luncheon, panel
Organized By: Bill Spencer and Jay Fidell
Latest Activity: Apr 11, 2011

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Event Description

Despite the global economic meltdown, China remains strong and continues to grow. And with that growth comes opportunity. By 2030 China expects four hundred million people to be moving from rural to urban areas. Those people will need jobs, housing, healthcare, transportation and infrastructure. Those people will be spending money, so consumer consumption is expected to become 40% of China’s GDP. They will be spending money on food, housing and other consumables especially energy. China is the largest importer of energy in the world and the government is very worried about not owning enough energy to sustain growth. Consequently the use of clean energy is a top priority and a massive clean tech effort is underway. What does all this mean to Hawaii? It means opportunity and the chance to attract finance and increase sales for energy, food and other technologies that can help China manage its growth.


ThinkTech, the Hawaii Venture Capital Association and UH Pacific New Media have assembled a top shelf panel of experts in China trade and investment to analyze and discuss investment opportunities in China and how Hawaii companies can benefit and obtain investment from China.


Our speakers include Roger Epstein of Cades Schutte; Jeff Au of PacifiCap; Chris McNally of the East-West Center; Jeff Lau of Oliver Lau; Mike Sacharski of Pacific Enterprise Capital; Lifeng Tao of the Shanghai Instittute of Foreign Trade; Bee-Leng Chua of HiBeam; Alan Mau, attorney; Scott Paul of Hoku Corporation and Charles Booth of the William W. Richardson School of Law.


The time has come to understand how this huge market force can be leveraged to help build Hawaii's tech economy and how Hawaii can participate in China's growth.


Learn how you and your company can be a part of it. Join us on April 28, 2011 at the Plaza Club, 20th Floor from 11:30AM - 1:30PM for this exciting and important event.  Click here for the program flyer:


To register for "Reciprocal Investments" visit or call Gail Caveney at 262-7329


This event is sponsored by Hawaii Business Magazine. To find out more about sponsorship opportunities contact:


See you there.


Bill Spencer


Hawaii Venture Capital Association

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