Time: October 4, 2011 from 6:30pm to 8pm
Location: The Box Jelly
Street: 307c Kamani Street
City/Town: Honolulu
Website or Map: http://theboxjelly.com
Event Type: meeting
Organized By: Austen Ito
Latest Activity: Sep 26, 2011
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We’ve all been very active. From Arduino nights, home brewing, programming meetups every Saturday, mobile food trucks apps, Node Knockout, Startup Weekend, to Ignite. You have all been very busy building a community of do-ers.
There has been a lot of interest from HI Capacity members and the maker community to open a Makerspace. That day has finally come! To keep the movement going, we are opening an interim makerspace at The Box Jelly on Monday, October 10.
If you are just as excited as we are, head to the Membership Page to learn more and sign up!
We will be having an All-Hands Meeting on Tuesday, October 4th at 6:30pm at The Box Jelly. You can take a tour the Makerspace and we will be talking about the following:
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