
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Launch a Startup in a Weekend

Event Details

Launch a Startup in a Weekend

Time: September 19, 2008 at 6:30pm to September 21, 2008 at 4pm
Location: Honolulu, HI
Event Type: Technology, Meetup
Organized By: Sid
Latest Activity: Oct 18, 2008

Event Description


Cancelled Rails Rumble Weekend, editing event back to original date for posterity and stuff

Based on the limited time we have Friday evening, we're starting a little earlier than I previously stated: 6:30 pm is the official start time!

Please RSVP to help us plan and so we know how much space we need - we've had people express interest offline, in email and other threads, but I am not confident in our head count. If you are a maybe, I would really appreciate it if we could confirm you either as a yes or no as soon as you are sure.

Shawn Drost and I have been planning a weekend where we build and launch a start up.

The basic premise is just you and your geekiest friends, making something for the internet in a weekend. You can read more about the sort of event we're thinking of here, but please note that this event is not affiliated with the official "Startup Weekend" company. This is a small scale event we're planning, independent of them.

If you'd be interested, post here, and if you know someone else that might be, forward this to them.

The current venue is my apartment - located near Ala Moana (hopefully reasonably central), and with my roommates on board we can use the whole 3 bedroom place.

I unfortunately do lack some basic necessities (a coffee maker - someone can bring one), but we will absolutely do have Wifi and a water cooler!

A rough agenda Shawn and I have come up with:

Friday evening:
6 pm onwards - I will be home, if people want to bring dinner and hang out rather than driving home, feel free to.
6:30 pm - Official Kick off! Introductions, idea discussion, pitch concepts, etc. If you are not interested in "Developing" the site but still want to take part in the event, this would be the best time to come.
8:15 pmish - End of concepts, etc, developers discuss feasibility of each idea (especially - can we get a beta built this weekend?) and pick a direction to go. Design/storyboard/etc
9:30 pm - Call it a night

Saturday and Sunday:

10 a.m. - Meet up to code.
1 pmish - Break for lunch
2 pmish - continue coding until the evening, call it a day

On Sunday I have a prior commitment at 4 - people can stay on to develop if you want, but I will have to leave.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Sid on October 2, 2008 at 10:37pm
Hey Alex,

Sorry I just checked my messages, noticed you had called. Emailing me ssavara [at] hotmail [dot] com is usually the best way to get in touch.

For this iteration of the event specifically (Rails Rumble), I think we will have more of a code/web development focus, but you're still welcome to join us to discuss concepts, hang out and give feedback as we build, and perhaps lead the charge on media/promotions etc along with Joe Philipson (if he comes again)

The previous one we held we basically followed the agenda outlined above, but this time I am thinking of organizing something in the second week of October to lay out ideas, requirements, get everybody synced up before we kick it off.

Although, somewhat ironically, looking at my schedule I may be busy that weekend and not be able to contribute much to the team.
Comment by Alex Salkever on October 2, 2008 at 9:08am
I missed the preview event. Could anyone tell me what was discussed a bit? And more importantly, I have no coding skills but have strong media / biz dev skills. So how can I help out in the process? Thanks!
Comment by Sid on October 2, 2008 at 7:31am
Laurence, that sounds great. I'm thinking maybe we'll do this event in two parts, and kick it off with a dinner/meetup a few days or even a week before the actual event, so that we can pick an idea and have some time to research Open Source technologies that may be useful before the weekend. One very specific problem we had was trying out new open source packages the day of that didn't pan out - would have been better to know that ahead of time =)
Comment by Shawn Drost on October 1, 2008 at 10:07pm
Hey Laurence! Not sure -- it's up to the people that come, we'll decide on friday night. I have my own ideas, which I'll propose. Here are a couple:
-An online travel guide that doesn't suck
-A site that answers the question "Where is the best ____ in my town?" (pad thai, improv, happy hour) -- probably using Yelp API
Comment by Laurence A. Lee on October 1, 2008 at 7:46am
Hey guys,

Any ideas on what the Honolulu team(s) would build for the Rails Rumble? I'm interested in helping out (as long as the better half consents), but most of my ideas are already being pursued.

PM me on this board if confidentiality is an issue. Thanks!
Comment by Chris Hall on September 28, 2008 at 11:19pm
Sounds interesting, but I'm working for HIFF (film festival) and that's our closing weekend, so i'll be busy.
Comment by Shawn Drost on September 21, 2008 at 8:33am
Hey Judi! We hope to have a small alpha testing period this afternoon -- we'll post more here!
Comment by Shawn Drost on September 19, 2008 at 8:26pm
Hey Nate! I was just here to post a link to the ustream: . More soon!
Comment by Nate Sanders on September 19, 2008 at 8:15pm
Are there going to be any updates each day or maybe an update at the end of the whole thing? Good luck -- I, too, will be interested to see what you come up with.
Comment by Laurence A. Lee on September 19, 2008 at 9:57am
Good luck, guys -- looking forward to see what you all can do in a weekend. :-)

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