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NASA | Piecing Together the Temperature Puzzle

The decade from 2000 to 2009 was the warmest in the modern record. "Piecing Together the Temperature Puzzle" illustrates how NASA satellites enable us to stu...

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Comment by Konstantin A Lukin on March 5, 2010 at 9:24pm
Recently came across this news from Russian scientists - Methane Releases from Arctic Shelf May Be Much Larger and Faster Th.... What's interesting is that this methane was not included into original global warming timeline calculations, which means 'warming' could actually happen much faster than anticipated.

Comment by Konstantin A Lukin on March 2, 2010 at 10:09pm
it was felt that unless this strict scientific data collection method was used, the Republican party opposing the Global Warming debate in Congress would NEVER sign ANY piece of legislation to take action on the issue..
Sounds reasonable :).. thought sometimes the Republican party reminds me of the vilain from the Water World Movie:

..where Hundreds of Billions of Dollars are at stake
I do not believe this to be much of a question of dollars, but more of moral responsibilities. Can the legislature/dollars really save us from accelerating natural disasters, which are likely outcomes of a warming planet?

Check out the WEB sites:
Websites are looking great and packing scientific information, though solutions to the warming problem will not come solely from scientists, but (IMO) from collaboration of science with indigenous elders (see bellow):

In summary, I think numbers do help, but are not the only solution. There needs to be a collaborative global effort, particularly oriented towards listening to the wisdom of indigenous communities around the globe, although scientific efforts so far provide a really good start!
Comment by Rubén Peña on March 2, 2010 at 9:33pm

Aloha! once again. I thought the same at first -- the evidence for Global Climate Change seems just too overwhelming. However, when working with NASA/NOAA folks at Lockheed-Martin, the argument was that all the evidence coming in from the worldwide scientific community has been a hodge-podge collage from multiple accurate & semi-accurate sources, many using vastly different measurement techniques with various different types of measurement equipment/hardware, different equipment calibration methods, different computer models and statistical methods to process the data, some sophisticated and others arcane, to analyze all the volumes of information. So NASA, Congress & the UN decided that in order to drive both US Federal and Worldwide formal policy changes, and enact legislation, where Hundreds of Billions of Dollars are at stake, a well coordinated highly accurate sophisticated scientific means of collecting, disseminating, analyzing, and presenting the data with consistent continuous long-term trend charts was required.

Check out the WEB sites: &

Also, it was felt that unless this strict scientific data collection method was used, the Republican party opposing the Global Warming debate in Congress would NEVER sign ANY piece of legislation to take action on the issue. So at the same this effort was also necessary to put the debate to rest with the GOP nay-sayers, beyond the shadow of a doubt, once and for all.

Comment by Konstantin A Lukin on March 2, 2010 at 9:08pm
Hi Rubén,

Looking at all this information, it seems to me that there is compelling evidence that this planet is warming up. It is also quite obvious that humans have a lot to do with it. We are increasing green-houses gases, wiping out forests, polluting oceans, continuously bringing to extinction other species, etc.. For me, there is no pressing need for NASA scientists to confirm that we are doing it, though it is nice to hear it from the experts :)

I do not think that Energy solutions alone could turn things around. There needs to be a global rise in planetary awareness which touches upon every single aspect of our everyday lives. Anything less (IMO) would simply prolong the 'discovery' effect, which is only making it harder to stabilize warming progression..

Thank you for your comment.

Comment by Rubén Peña on March 2, 2010 at 8:59pm

Aloha! Great video. I am proud to say that I worked on testing & building several NASA/NOAA satellites used to monitor & measure all conceivable aspects of our planet's BioSphere, including the contributors and consequences of Global Warming. Data collected from these NASA & NOAA satellites will be used to drive USA Energy Policy in Congress, and worldwide Energy Policy at the United Nations. Check out the following links (also posted on my LinkedIn WEB page) . . .



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