
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Hawai'i Sustainability 2050 Technology Panel (KGMB9 News)

Hawai'i Sustainability 2050 Technology Panel (KGMB9 News)

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 372

Location: Hawai'i


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Comment by sydney yamane on November 23, 2009 at 2:18am
I truely believe that in order for Hawaii to compete in the global high-tech marketplace we must first expand our fiber optic communication network to the home and businesses. What I am proposing we do is to create community initiatives to completely replace the "last mile" copper infrastructure network to all fiber optics cables. The formation of non-profit community initiative or coop to develop the last mile network is essential to avoid the problems about "net neutrality" that for-profit telecom's cannot seem to reach. I would propose the island of Kauai to become that first model of all fiber-optic network since they own their own Electric Utility as a coop and would be entitled to access RUS utility fundings to enhance 23,000 homes with fiber optics. Costing for fiber optics and its technologies have dramatically decreased since 20 years ago. 2009 has been marked with the federal government that all analog TV broadcast be converted to all digital. That digital streams are now putting a burden on the capacities of our copper network infrastructure and in 2 to 3 years from now the demand for 100mbps to 500mbps will be surpassed. DSL usable limit is already being reached with ADSL +2 technology with ends at 50mbps and cable "fiber-hybrids" usability will surpass there digital limitation of 200mbps. Fiber Optics broadband has almost unlimited bandwidth and will allow minimum digital transmission from 100mbps up to 40gbps for our local networks. We know the profound impact of the Internet has done to our community, government, business and society at 1 mbps, imagine communication at 1gbps. That is why, when we talk about sustainability we need to focus on what essential infrastructure we need that impacts all. Faster Internet will enable our island state to become more enhanced in delivery of new digital products, services, capabilities, and bottom line effects both our way of life and economy.


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