
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Bruce Campbell
  • Male
  • Honolulu, HI
  • United States
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Bruce Campbell's Friends

  • Bully Soares
  • Mark Gilbert
  • Tom Hemenway
  • Richard D
  • Jamie Mather
  • John Barrett
  • Patrick Ahler
  • Daniel Leuck

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Bruce Campbell's Page

Profile Information

Analyst, Blogger / Vlogger / New Media Writer, Consultant, Digital Designer, Educator, Manager, Web Developer
Hawaii Green IT
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Green IT, Green Energy, Online education and training, Virtualization, Virtual meetings, Virtual communities and anything that saves energy and money through the use of IT. All aspects of web design, development and marketing.
Software Language Proficiencies / Interests:
ASP, Flash/Flex, HTML, Javascript, PHP, Ruby, XML
About Me:
Founder at Hawaii Green IT

'Discovering, providing, and servicing the best energy reducing, money producing Green IT solutions for Hawaii and the Pacific.'

Turns out computers suck energy like a geek sucks down beer pau hana time. We eliminate wasteful suckage using intelligent software to manage your networks computer consumption. It is non-disruptive to both IT and clients. Big win is that it saves money and conserves energy -- both goals that should be front and center for every business and organization in Hawaii.
Secondary Website:
Twitter Username

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At 11:00am on October 14, 2009, Mark Gilbert said…
actually, no...we are internally a Sun Solaris shop. We used Sun's virtualization stack. For customers we have done Hyper V, Solaris and VMware. We have even engaged customers who use VMware but use the Microsoft Management tool set to mange there VMware VM's. It's a crazy world right now, but we are on the cusp of the Hyper Visor being an open source commodity with the tool sets for managing the vm's being the battle ground.
At 10:48am on October 14, 2009, Mark Gilbert said…
Bruce, I run a Hawaii based computer company called CDS. The energy savings are very real. We just virtualized our own internal operations and shaved about 30% off of our HECO bill. Additionally, we reduced foot print by a lot. There actually are some really good assessment tools out there that can give you utilization figures and actually can help you plan for server reduction and cost savings based on kilowatt hour rates. We just did a big assessment for the VA in Florida. We were able to give them a plan to reduce 575 servers that had 8% average utilization rates, to 40 servers. The power savings where huge.


web design, web development, localization

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