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GB Hajim's Comments

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At 11:42am on January 11, 2010, Rik Jadrnicek said…
Thanks for the invite on "animation in common". Let me know if you want to chat to compare notes. I see your 2/09 post on a trip to Skywalker. I have a friend there in facilities management (Ivan Thatcher) who's sister sang for the Dead. He has shown me around and the place which was very impressive. I met with a story-board illustrator there and had a few casual discussions with people at Industrial Light and Magic, but nothing significant ever came from it. Have you done any work with PREVIZ for movie or video production? Have you done any modeling, scripting, or animationin in 3D worlds like Second life or Blue mars?
At 3:04pm on October 4, 2009, Lynn Powers said…
Hi GB,

Big Aloha back to you. ;o)

At 1:40am on July 10, 2009, Daniel Leuck said…
I really enjoyed your talk. The audience was clearly very engaged.

I'm glad we got a chance to grab a beer. It was a colorful evening :-)
At 5:25pm on June 25, 2009, Carolyn W. Clark said…
Hi GB,
Hows the Big Island treating you? Its been years... I'm on Oahu missing the long walks on lava fields but got freelance biz here. Not grinding out PhotoShop grunge or digiart, its more show me the money projects now. I'll try to make your talk at PNM. :-)
Carolyn Clark
At 11:38am on January 28, 2009, Philip Johnson said…

A couple of quick things:

(1) I'd be very interested in your perspective on how the ICS M.S. program could better suit the local community:

(2) In one of your previous postings, you spoke about friends going on tour with the Dead. I happen to play occasionally with a local Grateful Dead style jam band called Shakadown Street:

Do you play music? Would you like to come jam with us sometime?

At 10:13am on January 7, 2009, rob said…
Any recommendations for software or what tech to use for such a project? Total newbie here, but willing to read & learn. Thanks, -rob.
At 9:37am on January 5, 2009, rob said…
Yikes! 6 years? Well, I'll have to see it when its out. Thanks for the info, I can see there is a lot of experience there. My story is a short that I have told off and on for a little while. Had my daughter illustrate it (5 years ago) to bind into a book (I do traditional hand bookbinding) and as per your suggestions it'll be vetted by her & others & of course reworking her illustrations if thats the route I go. So its ripe for putting to film. It's story driven. I want to do this short one and see how it goes before a bigger project. I am at the point of needing to know software & animation options to further make decisions. I think I owe you a shave ice...
At 11:32pm on January 4, 2009, aaron kagawa said…
hey GB, i've been reading your comments on the Are Hawaii's Tech Tax Credit Worth the Cost? and i've been digging your comments. the tech industry is like any other industry, its all about the people. people come first.
At 3:44pm on January 3, 2009, rob said…
All of the above! Short film, tell a story, animate. See how that goes and then expand (longer film or better quality or ?). Have been involved in a few local Hawaiian movies as an extra & behind the scenes. It was fun & unpaid and has been an interst for many years.
At 3:00pm on January 3, 2009, rob said…
Aloha GB!
Just watched with my daughter the Kids film shorts at Doris Duke theatre. I've had a few ideas that I'd like to animate and am wondering if you had a few pointers or how to start? I've been a volunteer for film fests so now its about time to make one. Thanks,
At 11:43am on January 3, 2009, Brian said…
When we come up with questions that we think make sense, we will get back to you. Right now, da boyz are just enjoying winter break with their friends :-) Thank you for letting us ask questions!
At 10:45am on January 3, 2009, Brian said…
Thank you GB Hajim. I am looking forward to learning with you and others in TechHui about film, tv, animations, etc. My kids and I have been interested in the subjects for about four years now. We even dabbled with a new start up in Japan, which is currently being run by some USC graduate students who are friends of ours. They have some cool connections in Hollywood and Japan as well. We have gone from writing stories, to filming some shots, to animation studies (animation film school tours in Japan, Maya 7.0 demos, etc.), back to writing scripts, and thinking about scripts and stories. Still learning!
At 6:40pm on December 30, 2008, Kaz Hashimoto said…
We plan to make tools on Blue Mars people can make a movie.
It maybe ready for your second movie.

At 1:51pm on December 18, 2007, GB Hajim said…
Mahalo nui loa! Hope to have some new video up in January!
At 1:41pm on December 18, 2007, Daniel Leuck said…
Welcome GB. We enjoyed checking out Great site!


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