I was just readting this article "
In the New Data Center, It’s Roofs Off and Taxes Down" and this phrase really caught my eye:
"Both Google and Microsoft continue to scour the globe for locations with cheap power, lots of bandwidth and friendly tax policies for their new data centers."
And I started thinking about the
Natural Energy Lab we have near Keahole Point. With a combination of solar-generated electricity and cold water powered cooling, could we feasibly build an ultra-low cost data center?
One issue I know nothing about is the data connectivity in that region. Of course that would be a deal killer and I'd appreciate anyone else shedding more light in this area.
However, the general concept of "Cold Water Solar Data Centers" (I know there's a cool acronym there somewhere) might soon be applied to Honolulu where I assume we have more bandwidth. Cold water cooling is in the pipeline (pun intended) to serve downtown and the Darin Kimura's of Hawaii are busy putting up micro solar power plants around town.
Is there a business case here? Might we have some interesting advantage? Of course I didn't even go near the tax issue for fear of getting sucked into the 221 black hole, but still, the concept intrigues me.
What do you think?
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