
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

We've received dozens of inquiries today about the recent announcement from Ning that they are cutting their free service, and if this means the end of TechHui. It does not. TechHui is a premium network paid for by the generous sponsors you see on the right of the page. Premium networks are unaffected by the changes at Ning.

Ning has been paying for the infrastructure to host literally millions of free networks for years despite the fact they only generate 1/4 of the company's ad revenue. Clearly the math just didn't work so they had to make a hard decision. It is unfortunate for the members of free communities, and we feel for those who have spent their valuable time building those communities. Luckily, TechHui benefits from sponsorship and will be unaffected.

Views: 109


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Comment by Paul Graydon on April 16, 2010 at 5:18pm
I feel sorry for those free communities out there that will be impacted by this, but it was probably inevitable.

That said how Ning has gone about this is unbelievable. They announced yesterday that the free service is going away, but they have yet to finalise the pricing for all the new premium services yet. If they'd either decided the prices first, or held off on the announcement until they had, more people might have been prepared to pay them, especially if their entry level product isn't that expensive. Instead it's kinda "screw you, we don't want you, and all we've said in the past about being for the community isn't true."
Comment by Mika Leuck on April 16, 2010 at 12:36pm
Patrick - Mahalo to you and Superb for your support!
Comment by Patrick Ahler on April 16, 2010 at 12:08pm
smart business move, they already established their userbase and reputation, plus any established free sites should now be willing to pay:
free leechers -, revenues+, costs-
Comment by Tina Sprague on April 15, 2010 at 2:36pm
GREAT Job Dan!! Thanks for the update


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