Create contests for the following at the
TechHui location at the University of Hawaii sim in Second Life:
(Hold receptions at the end of each contest, where people can donate SL dollars)
1. Have a "Best Sign-up Board" contest (leave the winning board in place to sign people up to TechHui)
2. Create a "TechHui Donation Jar" contest (winning jar stays in place and collects donations for TechHui)
3. Have a variety of art contests and reception (e.g., photo, lantern, candle, jewelry, clothing, pots, plants)
and sell the winning items for donations at the reception and leave them on display to collect further donations.
4. Have a "Best TechHui T-Shirt" contest, and get donations by selling the T-Shirts at the reception.
5. Have a "Best Green Item" contest (wind generator, solar cell, etc.)
6. "Best Media", "Best Audio", etc. etc.
Guidlines could be set up for number of prims and "created by" logo sizes with links.
Eventually have a "TechHui SL Intro box" that is given to new members,
Rik Jadrnicek
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