
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

GPS+ WiFi + Maui = Painfully Insecure

I thought you guys may find this interesting.

Maui WiFi Security Break Down

OPEN = 1168 of 3056 of Maui networks have NO SECURITY
WEP = 777 of 3056 of Maui networks have INCREDIBLY WEAK SECURITY
WPAPSK = 952 of 3056 of Maui networks are REASONABLY
WPA2 = 93 of 3056 of Maui networks are VERY SECURE
Other = 66 of 3056 of Maui networks are HIGHLY SECURE

Please note that the above numbers are estimates. Networks not broadcasting their SSID’s were not logged.

So How Secure Is Maui Overall?

63.6% of Maui Networks are Insecure. (WEP encryption is NOT secure (yes, even 128bit WEP) and is included here with the OPEN networks.)

36.4% of Maui Networks are Reasonably Secure. I consider any network that cannot be cracked in 24 hrs reasonably secure. Please note that default and weak passwords can make even the most secure networks negligible to attack.

You can download the Maui WIFi Network map as a KML file here.

Views: 295


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Comment by Josh Sommers on December 30, 2017 at 12:25am

It's amazing to see this post is still up. I think my current WiGLE WiFI network count is over 76,000 over the last 7 years. :D Oh how Maui has grown!

Happy New Years Maui!

Comment by Josh Sommers on June 10, 2011 at 12:34am
8816 Networks now logged. Join "Maui Cruzers" on!


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