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Google Street View Car Spotted on the H1

I was driving home from work yesterday when i saw this car ahead of me with this huge apperatus on the roof. I sped up to take a better look when i saw the sticker on the side "google!! " I realized it must be the Google Street View Camera Car! I quickly whipped out my cheapo cell phone camera and snapped a pic. I wonder how long until they drive every road in town and we see it on google maps?

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Comment by Ryan on November 9, 2009 at 4:08pm
And it's live! I blogged it here, and there's a great blog post on the Official Google Blog here. The product manager who wrote the post for Google says she was born and raised in Honolulu.
Comment by Jeroen Joosten on June 3, 2009 at 1:54am
I guess they're still shooting photo's, I noticed them this afternoon in Waipahu on Managers Dr, turning into Lauko St. The car was driving pretty fast, so I doubt it was taking pictures at that moment, even though the camera's were visible..

Anyone has an idea when they will launch the photo's online?
Comment by Patrick Ahler on April 27, 2009 at 12:33pm
spotted them downtown today!
Comment by Joe Segal on April 21, 2009 at 9:00am
We scooped em
Comment by Derek on April 19, 2009 at 7:13am
The Honolulu Star-Bulletin has a brief article on this, Oh, snap! Google hits town. Apparently and thankfully, we won't have to worry too much about what we're doing in our cars, which is relief.
Comment by Ryan on April 17, 2009 at 9:06am
Awesome. Been waiting for this. (I work for a company that's obsessed with maps, and it was starting to look like a private company would have to step in.) Wash those cars, and be careful when you pick your nose! Blogged!
Comment by Laurence A. Lee on April 16, 2009 at 3:38pm
Oh man, I better go clean up my front yard, quick! :o)
Comment by Scott Murphy on April 16, 2009 at 2:15pm
That is awesome. I can't wait for the release.
Comment by Truman Leung on April 16, 2009 at 8:46am
I was wondering when they would get here!


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