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6 Reasons to Choose a Responsive Web Design

With the tremendous increase in the number of mobile web browsers, Mashable’s CEO Pete Cashmore dubbed 2013 as the “Year of Responsive Web Design.” Late last year, StatCounter, as featured by Gigaom, released a study showing that 53% of web browsers in 2013 came from mobile devices. As internet users became more dependent on their handy gadgets in researching information online, it seems the only way is to move forward to a more responsive design for business websites. This post will show you more reasons why you should consider a ‘one-size-fits-all’ look for your web page.

Examples of Great Mobile Web Design

Currently, most businesses have adopted the responsive design on their websites to cater for their diverse visitors. We find it imperative to cite examples to provide you the right inspirations that you can follow. So far, Skinny Ties and Partypoker are two of the best companies that excel in this endeavor. A popular necktie brand since 1971, Skinny Ties was included in Search Engine Journal’s top list of websites with impressive responsive designs last year. It dons a simple layout and white background to bring more emphasis to their colorful products. The quick search box also assists in locating your desired necktie faster.

To convince you further, here are six reasons why you should go mobile on your website.

  1. Google said so

Google has already encouraged webmasters to adopt a responsive web design. The search giant notes that it can consolidate your webpage, getting rid of a separate mobile URL for an easy-to-manage webpage. All you need to do is apply a responsive theme or add a code for your website to consider changing sizes depending on the viewer’s platform.

  1. Improve conversion rate and traffic

From mobile visitors alone, Zeta Success Online said that a responsive web design increases your conversion rate by 12%. Since mobile users are more active in terms of sharing and viewing online, you are encouraging your customers to quickly share your content on their social pages through your shortcut icons.

  1. Simplified consolidation of analytics and reporting

This design comes in handy when conducting reports on your website analytics, as it spares you from tracking funnels and redirections to your page. With essential tools such as Google Analytics, you’ll be able to generate detailed statistics, which will be condensed into a single report for faster monitoring and analysis.

  1. Cost-effective

Before the introduction of the responsive layout, business owners were compelled to create multiple versions to suit all platforms. But, having one website is more cost-efficient, as there will only be one source code to maintain. Whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or the current smartwatches, the design of the site will fit all screen sizes. Most devices today, even the big-screened tablets use HTML5 in running mobile sites. In addition, updating the website content will only require one content management system (CMS).

  1. Get rid of high bounce rates

A high bounce rate (which is based on number of viewers who quickly hit the back button) happens when a website isn’t effective enough for a smartphone and tablet users, even if you’re ranking high on the search list. Having a responsive web design provides a high engagement to any visitor no matter what platform they use, since you give them a convenient way to view your website.

  1. Eliminates duplicate content

In an interview with Search Engine Watch, Matt Cutts said that a little duplication of content won’t do any harm in terms of search engine rankings. However, without a responsive theme on your website, you’re jeopardizing your ranking statistics since possible duplication may be detected from your website and your separate mobile page. Thus, with one site that can fit to all platforms, you’re eliminating this risk.

With the sudden increase in tablet and smartphone sales, responsive design has become more ubiquitous to help you stay ahead of your competitors and to establish a market share.

Images courtesy of:

Sachin Agrawal and Marketingo via flickr licensed under creative commons.

As an Internet devotee, Kyle Albert enjoys watching the fast pace evolution of website browsing from large PC screen to small smartphone displays. He's keen on observing page transitions and user interface and experience, as he believes that these are the factors that spell the success of a good website. For more tips, follow him on Google+.

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