
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

I teach beginner web classes occasionally at UH. The classes often have people who have web ideas and want to know how to make a snazzy web site. After the class is over, they quickly conclude that it is going to be awhile before they are able to execute their ideas, so they ask me to make sites for them.

I am too busy and I often lack the talent to do what they want. I have a few projects lined up that require developer help. If you have interest in any of these, please contact me and we can talk about the particulars.

• School library site built in ASPX/C#/Visual Studio. I need help with inserting my html into a preexisting wrapper.

• Hawaii online flower shop, built in Ruby On Rails, in operation, but needs finishing, additional features. Ongoing work for good guy. Mainland guys built site, then declared it finished and dropped it.

• Hawaii online pet store, in beginning design stages, in discussion with owners as to their desires for the site. No coding done yet, open to possibilities.

• Online jobs database site with membership/login and privileges for individuals and for businesses to control their postings. Site is "sketched out" in narrative form. Guy knows what he wants, needs someone to develop. No coding done yet, open to discussion.

If anyone is interested in helping with any of these, please let me know. or



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Comment by Blaine Fergerstrom on October 31, 2008 at 4:10pm
Hey, got another one. Don Soldier Eagle, Metis and Crow Native American group in Hawai'i would like to work with someone to make a web site for the group. Email Don Soldier Eagle at Or you can contact me and I'll hook you up. -- Thanks.
Comment by Blaine Fergerstrom on October 9, 2008 at 7:52pm
Aloha Daniel,

Yes, I did get a few replies and I have sent their queries to some of the people needing help. I hope they are able to get some work out of it. I'm just not a "developer."

Sorry I missed you at Geeks!
Comment by Daniel Leuck on October 9, 2008 at 7:43pm
Aloha Blaine. I hope you get some bites for these projects. They sound interesting.

I saw you at the last Manoa Geeks but didn't get a chance to say hello. I hope to catch you next time.


web design, web development, localization

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