Exciting news! The University of Hawaii Information and Computer Sciences Department is putting on a coding competition (see http://www.ics.hawaii.edu/news/department-of-information-and-computer...). This is great news and should be a really fun experience for the students.
To help the ICS department we have decided to do two things.
1) form an ICS alumni association
2) lead the organization and planning to support the coding competition by providing mentors and prizes for the students. (To be clear; we encourage anyone (non-alumni and alumni) to volunteer to be a student mentor).
The wheels are already in motion:
- We had a coordination meeting with a few volunteers.
- We created the
ICS mentors group in TechHui to help organize the effort.
- We've been looking into getting donations for prizes from companies in the tech industry.
If you like to help, please join our
ICS mentors group. Additional details will be posted to there.
thanks, Aaron Kagawa
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