Dr. Nellie Deutsch has been teaching English to speakers of other languages since the mid 70s. She has been integrating technology into her classes since the mid 90s. Nellie earned her doctorate in education and educational leadership with a specialization in curriculum and instruction from the University of Phoenix from the School of Advanced Studies in 2010. Her dissertation research (available on ProQuest,Amazon) focused on instructor experiences with integrating technology in blended learning contexts in higher education around the world. Nellie is the founder of Integrating Technology for Active Lifelong Learning (IT4ALL), an online informal network of volunteers that provides professional development workshops for groups around the world, generally in conjunction with different projects and initiatives. Dr. Deutsch is also founder and current coordinator of the annual Connecting Online for Instruction and Learning and Moodlemoot free online conferences, hosted online by IT4ALL and supported by WiZiQ online learning platform. Dr. Deutsch has provided consultation on how to integrate Moodle, WizIQ, and Elluminate learning environments for distance education at Open University of Israel and worked as a consultant for WikiEducator.org, supported by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Otago Polytechnic (New Zealand), and Athabasca Open University (Canada) in developing online courses and facilitation.
Nellie mentors educators on the use of technology to enhance student learning via Moodle,WebQuests,Professional Electronic Portfolios (Mahara), web 2.0 tools, social networks, and wikis. In addition, she is an accredited PAIRS (Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills), conflict resolution, and Reiki practitioner. She practices Mindfulness Meditation and the Alexander Technique.
Dr. Deutsch has written chapters in books on the use of technology and research (Cases in Online Interviews and Education for a Digital World 2.0: Innovations in Education (edition 2) published by the BC Ministry of Education and OpenSchool BC in July 2011) and has peer-reviewed articles, proposals for conferences, and books on technology enhanced learning. She also edits books on Moodle. Nellie reviews proposals for the International Leadership Association (ILA), TESOL conferences and other organizations.
Finally, Dr. Deutsch has presented on technology enhanced learning and educational leadership at conferences in the United States and virtually around the world. Nellie organized andchaired a panel discussion on the merits and challenges of integrating technology into the classroom at the International Leadership Association (ILA) in London, in 2011. She also participated in a panel discussion on culture in the English classroom and how Moodle can be used for intercultural projects at TESOL 2012. Nellie also co-facilitated Moodle for Teachers (M4T) workshops with Dr. Ludmila Smirnova at the TESOL 2011 in New Orleans and at TESOL 2012 in Philadelphia. Nellie will be giving two presentations at the EdMedia world conference on educational media and technology in Denver in June 2012. Nellie is an invited guest at the upcoming leadership convention in Atlantic University in the fall of 2012. She will present conduct a workshop on authenticity and leadership.
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