Blogger / Vlogger / New Media Writer, Digital Designer, Project Manager
Parsonage Productions,
Areas of Interest (Robotics, Software Architecture, Green Energy, Web 2.0, etc.):
Compelling content: Video, social media, mobile.
Business development, start-ups, new ideas.
Aquaculture, agriculture, sustainable food systems, DIY culture, open markets, open culture, travel.
About Me:
Coding Basic games at age 8, dorking out on the primitive beginnings of consumer Internet throughout my teens, developing Access databases by college then sucked into writing and a career in journalism. M.S. in New Media from Syracuse University brought me full-circle back into tech.
Now a computer nerd-turned journalist-turned-web geek, specializing in content development utilizing the best that the frothing development community spews forth.
My company does development and editorial work for major publishing companies on the East Coast.
In Hawai'i (my current home), my biggest client is, a subscription streaming video site started by HIFF founder Jeannette Hereniko.
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