
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community


The Box Jelly

The Box Jelly is Hawai‘i's first coworking community where everyone from freelancers, creatives, entrepreneurs, startups, to small business owners have a better place to work.

Location: 307C Kamani Street, Honolulu, HI
Members: 10
Latest Activity: Nov 3, 2011

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Comment by Christine Koroki on November 3, 2011 at 2:58pm

The Box Jelly is Hawai‘i's popup coworking space inside the furniture store, fishcake. And yes, fishcake is spelled with a lower case "f". If you are unfamiliar with coworking, its a community where independent professionals or small businesses rent desks by the hour. There are also monthly memberships, which is the preferred solution. In a nutshell, coworking is seen as a solution between working out the local Starbucks and paying for your own office space. 


Almost three months ago, I  brought Ignite Honolulu to Hawai‘i and co-hosted the event with Chris Ota at The Box Jelly. I'm very pleased to say it was a successful evening. The guests, speakers, and even myself as the coordinator, enjoyed our time very much. A few weeks after Ignite Honolulu, Rechung Fujihira asked me to join his team at The Box Jelly to handle the creative side of things including the branding. 


Branding a company is probably the most misunderstood area of communications design, and yet it gives the most design has to offer. To successfully execute branding you first must understand the ins and outs of the company's personality. How can you represent yourself well if you don't know who you are? For the past couple months I've been working with the team at The Box Jelly helping create their identity (heart) and contributing to the growth of this new place that is introducing the international movement of coworking to Hawai‘i for the first time. 


So who is The Box Jelly, and what does it have to offer the tech community in Hawai‘i? Although there are discussions emerging on whether the Information Age still exists, technology is FOREVER and coworking caters to tech professionals. Large companies today are having a harder time than ever keeping up with the quick advances in technology. In result, they outsource work to smaller tech companies or freelancers. The exchange of ideas, techniques, and information is how the coworking movement was created and the movement has gained incredible momentum.


The Box Jelly's motto is, "Work the way you live." This means different things to different people, but in general The Box Jelly exists to support people doing work they love. At a larger scale, the heart and collaboration created in the coworking space raises the potential of GREAT work coming from Hawai‘i. Honestly, I am tired of hearing that there isn't enough talent here. A little inspiration and support goes a long way, but it has be there in order for potential to grow.


Along with the desk space and resources, The Box Jelly hosts mixers, seminars, and events that stimulate interest and collaboration. The makerspace, HI Capacity, is an organization of developers in Hawai‘i that use The Box Jelly's space to work on projects and host talks. The entrepreneurs that work out of The Box Jelly are examples of "work the way you live" by going into business for themselves. When you are surrounded by like-minded professions, your an independent who doesn't feel alone. In addition to the community, The Box Jelly is housed inside a high-end contemporary furniture store, fishcake. The creative atmosphere is ideal for innovative flow that increases production.


For more information visit The Box Jelly's website, here.

For more information on the makerspace, HI Capacity visit, here.

To read more on the coworking movement, visit Deskmag here.


Members (10)



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