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What are three ways that the UH ICS program could improve?

If you can think of more than three things, then please limit your response to your top three!

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1. Awesome studying areas for ICS students. Even KCC has own building for ICS department and it's actually very nice. 

2. More class options and professors! Honestly, nobody would want to take a class of a professor who has worst reputation.

3.  As someone already pointed out, it is very difficult to plan a student's next year of school, let alone putting together even a loose plan to encompass all the semesters until graduation. 

1. Lab computers could definitely get some software / program updating so that it is a valid option to students who can't obtain their own personal computer.

2. Figure out a system in which students from the same class but different sections have the option to collaborate when it comes to group projects. I recall in ICS 111 we had a group project however because me and the people who I did want to collaborate with were from different sections and thus were restricted from it.

3. A more centered location for some ICS Classes? I usually have my ICS classes located in a similar part of campus (Kuykendall, Moore, Art, POST). But this semester I am also taking ICS 311 which is located all the way in Webster. It's not too much of a problem but if it's something that can be changed then i'm all for it.

I have not been in the program long enough to run into many issues, so my commentary will be limited. One issue I have had so far is availability for some classes, which can fill up quickly. Some classrooms could be better for classes that require using your computer every day by including more outlets around the room, including in the floor. Lastly, class sizes could be smaller in some cases, some 300 levels are quite large. 

Adding a Game Design degree focus for students mainly interested in creating video games and gaming apps.

Making POST slightly warmer than freezing.

Three bad things about being an UH ICS student is

1 - Computer science department keeps increasing their credits required, making it take longer to graduate.

2 - ICS takes a lot of time to master as programming is a language and skill.

3 - Difficulty of having multiple ICS classes per semester (with other classes you have to take.)

Three bad things about being an ICS student.

1.  Many of the classes in this curriculum is confusing and it takes way too much time to complete.

2.  Way too many irrelevant classes that has nothing to do with ICS.

3.  You don't always get the guidance you need in order to fully understand the ins and outs of these classes.

Three bad things about being an ICS student. 

My laptop didn't meet the minimum hardware requirements for ICS 314 so I had to buy a new laptop, which was  a cost I was not prepared for. 

Some of the 400 level classes in the ICS course catalog don't seem to have been taught recently, which makes it hard to plan what 400 level classes I want to take in the future. 

There are almost no writing intensive or ethical courses in ICS despite some of the classes seeming like they could double as writing intensives or ethical courses. 

1. In the introductory classes, I feel like the introduction to the subject and how it applies to everything else could have been executed a little better. For students that decide to pursue ICS from the get-go, this might not be needed as much as we might already have an understanding of what Computer Science really entails, but for other students, they might only have the perception that CS is about coding and programming, as opposed to how programming and its concepts can be applied to real world problems. 

2. A few of the professors of the theory based classes can be downright cryptic to try and understand when you ask them for clarification on problems that you are having trouble with. Having those professors take a step back and try to explain the concepts in a more simple, understandable way would allow for more students to understand the content.

3. This is dependent on which professors use it, but management of the flipped course pedagogy could be a little better. For example, one of the professors I have uses a flipped pedagogy for us to learn the material at home, but does not really make efficient use of the time in class. Especially for theory based classes, I feel like there has to be some kind of better system or way to manage in class time for courses that use the flipped pedagogy. 

Providing classes with multiple time slots, some ics class only have a certain time and date that isn't flexible. 

Providing a lot more resources for helping students with much more difficult classes. i.e. the learning assistance center only circles around 111/211/141/241

Difficulty meeting people

Not a ICS student but I am a computer engineer

1. UH books are expensive. I wish the resources would be a PDF format for search-ability and free.

2. Asking for override for every class as Computer Engineer. Even though I've taken the alternative, I still have to email about overrides. I thought the star system would fix that.

3. Limited job in Hawaii. I know this is a Hawaii thing but I kinda wish Hawaii had a market like California but given the nature of where we are, this likely cannot happen.

Three bad things about being an ICS student:

  • Classes are too late. Mostly at night which at little inconvenient for people that are not living nearby Manoa.
  • Classes are too big. If classes were smaller, students could ask more question to the professors and TA.
  • Introductory ICS courses at Manoa are taught in Java or Javascript. Perhaps, having other classes that teach other languages, for example, python, c++, Ruby.

1) As Jolie Ching mentioned, the lack of tutors on campus can hinder someones learning experience. Some few learn better being taught a different way and I feel like that's what tutors are for.

2) Taking classes that is not at all related to the program. It's not like I don't like the classes that isn't related to programming or algorithms. I just think having requirements fulfilled by taking classes more related to the field will benefit more in the long run. 

3) Lack of resource outside of class. 



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