1) It can be stressful. You must be willing to spend a lot of time on problems, homework, and projects.
2) Class Availability and prerequisites. You need to really plan out what classes you need to take for the semester.
3) Depending on the class and who is teaching it, you may have to learn the material on your own.
1. Some classes require you to spend upwards of $1000 on a laptop.
2. I would like to see more 400-level courses being offered per semester.
3. Based on my experiences alone, some of the ICS classes can be a bit hand-holdy. It would be nice if class projects were a bit more open-ended.
1. Class times are often only offered really late as compared to other classes that I take.
2. Required to take a lot of prerequisites/elective courses for major requirement.
3. Homeworks in general are extremely time-consuming, not allowing for a lot of time to be spent elsewhere.
1. ICS courses are generally very time consuming. Students are always spending more time on homeworks and projects than students of other majors; generally coding or trying to understand concepts which were gone over in a short lecture.
2. UH ICS course structure is unstable; flipped courses require students to spend even more time at home doing lectures AND homeworks, projects, etc., some courses are available only once a year, not enough professors to teach courses, graduation requirements keep changing.
3. Investing in hardware.
1. Classes are often very dependent on each other, so they provide very little flexibility with making a class schedule.
2. Homeworks often require access to higher level computing capability than most other classes, costing the ICS student more money over the average student.
3. Lots of independent learning and time spent in front of a computer for assignments.
1. The availabilities of certain classes can be an issue if it is only offered once a year, making it difficult for students to continue with their studies if they miss a specific class.
2. The heavy workload and time commitment that classes take may be detrimental in one's schedule if balancing multiple aspects.
3. More technical professional development workshops would be beneficial for students to grasp an understanding of the recruitment process.
1. Procrastinating and being lazy as an ICS will affect you on the long run and everything will stack up. To solve this, learn to manage your time and reward yourself after completing small/large tasks.
2. Working on a code for hours can be stressful and take a toll on people's mental health. Students may feel demoralized and demotivated to complete or finish any unsolved work. To solve this, learn to use your resources available to you on campus or off campus.
3. For any type of student, textbook costs are always a bad thing.
1. Some of the courses are scheduled at a later time so it conflicts with work/projects.
2. A lot of prerequisites for classes
3. more python courses
What are three ways that the UH ICS program could improve?
I would like to disclose that this is my first semester at UH since I transferred from KCC.
1. The requirement to buy a laptop. It is true that an ICS student should have bought a laptop to work if in the ICS program, but for me spending $1200+ on a laptop is quite expensive. Coming from KCC where they provided computers or held classes in the computer labs this was not an issue for me. But I can understand the reason behind the requirement of a students own laptop.
2. The lack of the use of laulima. At KCC all of my professors used laulima to assign homework, post updates about class, and sometimes even the slides to help the students who couldn't write down notes as fast as others. But so far not only the current ICS class I am taking, but every class at UH that I am taking doesn't utilize laulima, coming from a school that constantly used one website that all classes used, to now being required to use several different websites for each class has been hard to adapt to, but adapting nonetheless.
3. The stress from the transfer from KCC to UH ICS program. The stress from the transfer is less of the process from going to UH an more of the result of the transfer, as listed above KCC didn't require laptops and would post everything on laulima to help update the students. This is more of an issue for me and less of a thing that the UH ICS program could improve on, if something then maybe informing transferring students about the differences in campuses.
1. Mandatory lower level classes that are only offered in a single time slot at night.
2. Different professors wanting a specific style or set of rules for the code written in their class.
3. Not having a wider range of languages and platforms covered by electives to help focus on a specific aspect of the tech field after graduation.
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