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What are three good things that the UH ICS program is providing for its students?

If you can only think of one thing, that's OK too.

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1. oppurtunities

2. choice in pathway (security, data science, general track)

3. External Resources such as outside mentors and intern oppurtunities

I am a computer engineering major and don't have much experience with the ICS department. I will list three things regarding the CENG department instead:

1. Hands-on learning (e.g. coding interview problems, etc)

2. Frequent career/internship opportunities provided via email

3. Smaller class sizes

1. Learning new languages

2. Smaller classes makes the class more group based with more communication, than doing things individually.

3. Opportunities given to us in class or from email that may interest us

Three good things that the UH ICS program provides for its students is:

1. There are many opportunities available to UH ICS students. Not only do we have extracurricular activities such as clubs (ACM), but as ICS students Gerald keeps us posted about various internship and job opportunities often to make sure we have as many options open to us without having to look too far.

2. Classes are difficult, however we not only have our professors to look to for help, but we also have our classmates to rely on to help us when we do not understand. Collaboration seems to be encouraged so long as we put credit where credit is due, which is a great plus. 

3. There are also many different tracks within ICS we can follow, whether it may be Data Science, Cyber Security, or even Gaming, as there are even a couple classes open for that specifically.

1. Learning how to learn new skills

2. Being able to code, makes you more useful for business which makes you more useful for yourself. 

3. Having the ability to create something out of nothing (god mode). 

Three good things:

1. The ICS program forces us to learn valuable material.

2. There are plenty of clubs here at UH, which offer us the ability to learn and educate ourselves more.

3. A lot of the content we learn from can be universally applied. 

1. Help from professors and T.A.s who have much more experience in this field.

2. Exposure to different programming languages and useful software applications.

3. Meeting other students with similar interests and career goals.

1. Opportunities to collaborate with others and build team skills

2. Guidance to enter the workforce as a competent professional

3. The necessary resources to succeed in programming/software development

1. Really passionate professors. I have taken a lot of different classes at UH and so far, in my experience, the ICS professors are really passionate and active members of their respective fields. They are easy to engage and most are really willing to help students grow.

2. The transition from in-person to online courses has been seamless and I believe that a lot of it has to do with things like the Morea modules and faculty experience with collaborating online.

3. There is excellent support within the ICS program whether it be faculty, advisors, clubs, or other students. We are constantly given opportunities and experiences.

1. It is easier to network as a student of the ICS program and UH Manoa. 

2. Having extracurricular groups that help with technical interviews.

3.  Classes being online helps me to work at my part time job.

1. The professors,TA, and advisors are able to answer our questions easily when we're stuck.

2. Has the ICSpace for students to study and ask for help when it's available 

3. Clubs that help build your skills outside of the usual classes

1) The professors and research projects are inspiring. They make you want to think “big”. 

2The University has an endless number of opportunities. In the ICS Department and related programs, to experience and find your path. 

3) The students come from all over the world and the experiences in team collaborations are so much more than academic. 



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