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I miss Les!

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His table at Coleen's has been looking pretty lonely.   Did not know that he had taken off for California/Google until you told me last week.

I feel bad that I haven't made the last few meetings.   Would be willing to meet.  Any interest in exploring other venues.

Its too bad the Google IO and local talk got canceled. We had a good roll going with Les organizing the dinners. Meetings were quite irregular until he started ensuring it happened every month. I was pushing them before that, but getting Maui Maker meetings setup is enough work. We were going to try and have a combined Maker/Techie meeting but then I got sick. Now I'm off island for a couple weeks.

I'd be happy to host something at our Maker Space in mid/late June. or come to a dinner elsewhere.
Flatbread was fairly decent for chatting, and I miss seeing everyone.
How about something at Maalea?
I was looking forward to a get together.
June 5-12 is a good window of opportunity.  Lets get a dinner somewhere.  I like the Maalea suggestion for something different. Any particular place in mind?

Reichart - are you still on island? Would it be too late to call out the Techies for a Sunday evening gathering?

Location suggestions - other than flatbread? Anything in Maalea as Larry suggested?

We got 3 shows in the can, off to shoot the next 9... Gar and I travel across America meeting with engineers and inventors.  It is exhausting work.  All I ever think about is coming back to Maui.

 Congrats on your show. We look forward to seeing it air!

Hi Gang!


Sorry I dropped the ball on scheduling the next meeting. I'd like to get going on our next meetup. How does next Thursday, June 23rd work? Should try to meet at the MauiMaker space for a potluck, Flatbread in Paia, ir a new location? Maalaea could work as well.



How about Maalaea Wednesday next week? What eatery there has decent group seating without loud music?
Flatbread in Paia on the 23rd sounds good to me ... =) ... it'd be nice to see everyone, it's been a while ... Aloha, Robert
FlatBread on the 23rd sounds to me as well, although the 23rd is cutting it close. How does Wed. June 29th sound? I went by Maalaea this weekend and don't feel we have an ideal location there.
23rd does seem to be pushing it now.  Lets do this on 29th.



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