I'll start, you can add your introductions here.
30 years ago, seems like a lifetime, I quite accidentally got involved with computers and fell in love with programming. I like all language, not just computer languages, plus I was a math major (and a spanish major), so it fit. That was my transition into computers.
Now, I've found what I really want to do (again). This time it's ecotours. I've taken the first step by creating an ecotour company, designing the ecotours, starting to do the ecotours, etc. Very time consuming, trying to do two full time jobs, but it's worth it. (Not sure my wife would always agree.)
Until the ecotours pay their way, I'm still happily programming.
I think, one day, I'll leave the programming to others, but it's hard to see that at this point, especially web and script programming. I'm sure I'll be happy about it when the time comes, but not yet.