In response to Kurt Olsen's email to the group that read:
"Some idea's who's time has come.
Modular guitar pickups. Pickups...have 4 wires. Make a stand socket for the things would'ya/
The electronics cavity on (a very sarcastic) 'electric guitar' hasn't changed much since the 1950's. Guitarists...hate change. The physical simplicity of an electric guitar is hard to beat. But adding 1's & 0's is as natural as ... well, it's those square inches to add the dsp capability (amplitube & apple, a partnership born in guitarists heaven) to guitars, that will allow us to keep effects (and songs) for lifetime. Apple...Finish the job...add computerized/ipodlike/dsp/implementing the amplitube algorithms, in order to free guitarists, and put Apple on par (and inside) guitars with the the names Fender or Gibson - Fender, Gibson & Apple. It could be.
And what would happen if I could plug 120v ac into my guitar. Everything else I plug it into has a power cord....why not my 'electric' guitar?"
OK Kurt, maybe not exactly what you had in mind, but there are some alternatives out there on the market:
Modular, plug and play pickups: guitars in one: