
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

For everyone's reference, I thought I'd post a couple of the links I used in my presentation at last week's GUI meet-up.

Before I do that, I also want to highlight a wonderfully designed Flash application I just came across: Memolio.
Click on the "Create" tab and then click on "Try it out".
For anyone working on an application that involves photo management, it's definitely worth a look.

Anyway, here are some of the links from last week's session:

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Replies to This Discussion

You had great examples and insight! I love the design of The social networking site I mentioned is
Yoohoo. I really like the use of color to distinguish friends, family and work. They also use text descriptions to accommodate color blind users. I attached some screen shots from the Ooi demo (click to enlarge.)

Hey Dan, that screenshots of Ooi look great! Thanks for sharing them.
Sorry I missed this meet-up. In the Advanced HCI Design class I'm taking now, we read The Humane Interface by Jef Raskin. He described a navigation technique called ZIP, zooming interface paradigm. I've seen a few interesting examples lately that use zooming. One is Microsoft's Sea Dragon, for Photosynth. I'll try to embed the TED demo video here.

Another example is Zoomorama. Check out this Flash demo on art. You can use the mouse scroll wheel or pad scroll gestures to zoom, too. It has gaps between the layers, but you can zoom in all the way to the brush strokes!
At least on their homepage, uses clothing to distinguish between work, personal, and public personas. Not sure if this is a good approach - at least as implemented - as a patently male silhouette is employed, which could alienate or at least confuse potential female users.
Daniel Leuck said:
You had great examples and insight! I love the design of

The social networking site I mentioned is Yoohoo. I really like the use of color to distinguish friends, family and work. They also use text descriptions to accommodate color blind users.

I attached some screen shots from the Ooi demo (click to enlarge.)

Sea Dragon looks very interesting. ZIP seems like a good UI paradigm for many applications.

J. David Beutel said:
Sorry I missed this meet-up. In the Advanced HCI Design class I'm taking now, we read The Humane Interface by Jef Raskin. He described a navigation technique called ZIP, zooming interface paradigm. I've seen a few interesting examples lately that use zooming. One is Microsoft's Sea Dragon, for Photosynth. I'll try to embed the TED demo video here.



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