
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community


Is anyone else using SmartGWT?  I started building a project with it a couple of weeks ago and so far it's going okay with a few weird quirks here and there.  I was just wondering if anyone else is using it for their own projects so that I can perhaps throw a few questions out there when I have them.


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Hey! I've been using some SmartGWT widgets in a project that I'm working on. I needed a tree/grid component and theirs appeared to be one of the more attractive and easy to use. I've been pretty happy so far in that I've been able to accomplish most of what I needed and users are very happy with the rich ui. As for quirks, there layouts can be pretty difficult to deal with and their support forums can be harsh at times. I've also noticed that it doesn't play very well with UiBinder. I'm certainly no expert, but I'm happy to have someone with which to share experiences with.




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