
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

We need:

Five or more people
A place to meet -- five people can meet in a coffeshop or something. Fifty people, not so much.
A camcorder to record things for posterity.

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Oct 28 looks good for me too.
Cool! Let's settle on a time. I am thinking approximately 1 hour is good for the meeting, with people welcome to stay. Jon, does that sound good?

Please post your availability:

Results are here:

I can post this event on the Calendar once we have sufficient responses about people's availability. Unless there are objections, we'll have it at my place, 1296 Kapiolani Blvd (right next to Ala Moana).
Count me in!
You can use our office or conference room if it gets too big for your living room.

Sid said:
I can post this event on the Calendar once we have sufficient responses about people's availability. Unless there are objections, we'll have it at my place, 1296 Kapiolani Blvd (right next to Ala Moana).
Thanks for the offer Daniel. I think based on the replies thus far, my apartment should suffice for the first meeting. Sorry you can't make it Jared, I think any day we schedule it, someone won't be able to make it.

Based on everyone's availability, I suggest 6:30-7:30 pm as a meeting time. This time is the closest I could find that allows everyone a chance to attend, if only for part of it.

I will wait a day for objections, and if there are none, then post to the TechHui events calendar
I'll bite! Sounds interesting.
I bit off more than I could chew this weekend. Need to catch up on the day job now. I won't be able to attend 'til November or so.


Sid said:
Cool! Let's settle on a time. I am thinking approximately 1 hour is good for the meeting, with people welcome to stay. Jon, does that sound good?

Please post your availability:
Hey Guys,

Please RSVP so I can get an idea of attendance, I'm catching a flight out that night so if it's turning out to be inconvenient, let me know and we'll push to next month or something.
Last time was fun, should we set a regular date like the 4th Tuesday of the month? We can discuss at Manoa Geeks if you guys will be there. Just wanted to put the thought out there. Also, Jon, since you're basically the founder of the Honolulu chapter, I was wondering what you thought about whether we've been consistent with the spirit of FU so far.

Also, I think we are encouraged to record the presentations, though we didn't last time. I don't have any gear other than low quality webcams, but if that's what we have I have no problem recording with just that.

Finally, we can discuss holding it somewhere else like Dan's office (if he's still open to that) as I have a hunch we are quickly outgrowing my apartment already. Although everyone is still welcome to come there if you want, and it's of course the most convenient for me ;).
Sid said:
Finally, we can discuss holding it somewhere else like Dan's office (if he's still open to that)
Absolutely. Its an open offer.
Anything on the Honolulu FU front, guys?
You guys still active with this group? Would love to join the FreeHackers Union!



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