
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

I took an hour off this evening to watch the new Hawaii Five-0. Its fun but they are trying way too hard to be Hawaiian and the dialog sounds like its written by someone who vacations in Hawaii for a week once a year. Kukui high school? Is their mascot a giant nut? "You speak da bird, huh, but you look haole to me." Who talks like that? Instead of trying to work in as much pseudo-pidgin as possible they should hire a local writer and teach the lead actors to at least pronounce major street names properly. Lead actor Alex O'Loughlin, whose character is born and raised in Hawaii, can't pronounce Kalakaua. I'm also amused by how many people in the show refer to him as haole. I haven't been called haole as much in the past 15 years as this guy does in an average day.

Finally, why do they keep mentioning 110 degree temperature? When does it get to 110 anywhere in Hawaii? They should hire a local consultant (Ryan Ozawa?) to tell them when they are being inaccurate or just plain awkward.

Regardless of its flaws, its a fun show. I hope it does well and brings a healthy chunk of change to our economy.

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I bet it's off the air within a year.
Hmmm... I'm not sure I'll take that bet, but I hope you are wrong because we could really use the economic boost. They would definitely benefit from running the dialog by the local actors they already have on the show. Of course the issues I mentioned will only bother people in Hawaii, which is a very small fraction of their viewership.
@Dan, if you were as obnoxious and ridiculous as the actors are you'd get called haole all day..

I also expect this show to get cancelled within a few seasons. Hawaii factor will wear off and then it's just another cop show.

And it has never gone over 100F anywhere in Hawaii that records have been kept.
Whether Hawaii Five-O will do well or not depends on the audience and ratings. This is a fact of life and reality that we must accept.

What we can do, if at all possible is to project a positive image about Hawaii beyond tourism!?

Some of our best home grown actors and actresses have made it big outside of Hawaii. Few if any talk about their Hawaii's roots on both sides of the Pacific. Hawaii has done little to court them to be our spoke persons or as good will ambassadors for Hawaii.
I feel like the local production people did a great job: the stunts were great, the sets, costuming, and camera work etc. The problem with the show is the people that aren't from here did a shoddy job with the writing (too formulaic and not enough wit- three good jokes for a whole ep?), terrible direction and somebody really needs to get a pidgin coach for these actors!

If they don't switch up the writers and direction soon, I fear the show won't last long.
We have started the at the University of Hawaii. I think it is a good start.

Besides a great school launched with the help of Chris Lee, we need government supports which is lacking in Hawaii.

If you look at the business model used by others like the Hong Kong Government, she has invested 300 million (US$39 million) to offer grants for up to US$800,000/movie to take their production there hiring local actor, actress, producer and etc.

There are a lot of good business models out there for us to learn from.
Brian: @Dan, if you were as obnoxious and ridiculous as the actors are you'd get called haole all day...

Johnson Choi: Few if any talk about their Hawaii's roots on both sides of the Pacific. Hawaii has done little to court them to be our spoke persons or as good will ambassadors for Hawaii.
Tia Carrere lobbied for film tax credits in Hawaii and frequently talks about her Hawaii roots. Tia turning down a job offer at Ikayzo

GB Hajim: I feel like the local production people did a great job: the stunts were great, the sets, costuming, and camera work etc. The problem with the show is the people that aren't from here did a shoddy job with the writing (too formulaic and not enough wit- three good jokes for a whole ep?), terrible direction and somebody really needs to get a pidgin coach for these actors! If they don't switch up the writers and direction soon, I fear the show won't last long.
100% agree.

Johnson Choi: We have started the at the University of Hawaii. I think it is a good start.
UH's ACM program is a great start. KCC's new media arts program has some great instructors with industry experience at ILM, Pixar, etc. UH PNM, which has been a great supporter of TechHui, also does film related workshops.
I've been putting off watching it because I want to love it but have heard about the "speak da bird," etc. Then again, I know someone who graduated from high school here, went to UH, has lived here for decades, and says something like: "Cow-a-cowa" for Kalakaua. *heavy sigh*

They should hire my husband. He's a brilliant writer, a recent import (so he knows what it's like to learn these new phrases), and he IS Hawaii-50: a gun-toting law enforcement officer that works for the state (not Sheriff) for a department that not many people know about. In fact, I dropped him off at Kalakaua & Liliuokalani this morning to he could fight crime in Waikiki...
I've spoke a lot about the ACM and other programs. Unless we have a serious homegrown film economy we're wasting our tax dollars educating kids in this stuff. It was good to cite Hong Kong's incentives. We need more like that, but we also need more transparency in the tax credit process here. Too many people took advantage of this program and us that are working hard to make a serious industry here are paying the price.
We can talk and debate all day or dream and argue for another year, may be 2 years....or until our grand kids are born... unless there is real money put on the table. I am not talking about a few hundred thousands. We are talking about 20 - 30 millions. It will also need to be ran by people that is honest and more important know what they are doing. Since we cannot just take their words, we need to put strong anti-corruption law on the book like the Independent Commission Against Corruption in Hong Kong (Hong Kong, unlike Hawaii even when you are friend of the Attorney General or the Governor, you are NOT above the law). Until the above happen...we can continue to talk, debate, dream and argue all we want!
For what it's worth Hawaii Five-0's ratings slipped 10% in its second week.
Just watched episode #2. No way I'm watching this anymore. Can't they get a decent writer? Director? So many falters. So many missed chances. The Dan-O line, the one they need to edify to make it work....tossed in with no set up. I feel sorry for the actors. I can tell they are working hard to try to find something, but there's not much there. Don't know what they've got committed as far as number of episodes, but I doubt it'll last long enough for a second chance. Truly sad.



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