So lately I've been conflicted on purchasing a used Tablet PC or stick with my good old fashion notebook and paper. Yes Brett Favre I know how you feel.
Here are my PRO's and CON's. PLEASE feel free to add your thoughts and ideas.
My everyday application: Full-time CENT major at H.C.C.
-Easy to take notes in my own handwriting especially when writing physics or math equations
-My physics book is in an Ebook format.
-Flipping the screen into laptop mode when I need to type my papers.
-Wouldn't have to lug around multiple notebooks for each subject and easy to search.
-Price. My Toshiba A215 is almost 2 years old and costs less than half of a Tablet PC of the same specs.
-Screen size. 12" Really?
-Pen & Paper system runs without power and cheap to operate.
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