Hi Liza - That thread got a bit more colorful than I had expected :-) It was only intended as a lighthearted post about an amusing interaction. That being said, some interesting points were raised by Viil and others.
You ask a perfectly valid question. In my opinion, for what its worth, if you have implemented a few successful campaigns for customers I would go with web consultant or strategist with social media experience or, if you really want to emphasis just the social media aspect, social media strategist. If you have done dozens over a period of a few years, you are probably as close to a social media expert as the industry has, and no one can really make fun of your title :-) I think it all comes down to your portfolio.
These days, for my own title, I oscillate between Mascot and Chief Lemur Wrangler. Neither title is ever challenged. :-)
Have a great holiday season and good luck with the Maui businessmen you mentioned! I noticed some folks on Maui getting into the social media mix. Kapalua Villas just launched a Facebook contest for guests.
This is a good topic Liza and I could go on about it. I think we might schedule the topic for an upcoming meeting of Social Media Club Hawaii. To any SME wannabe, I suggest the following as a starting point:
Your case studies, your presentations, your testimonials - the same things a client should use to vet any consultant - should be prominent.
You should be active (doing research, testing different tools and strategies, watching content and ideally creating content) for at least a year with all of the following tools: a blog, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouYube + other video, and Flickr.
You should have some sort of other internet business background, in marketing, communication, web development, etc. You cannot be a social media expert in a vacuum just by knowing a few tools. And the corollary is that if you do have that other background, you cannot instantly morph into being a SME just be using the SM tools for a few months. It can actually be harder, as I have seen many people (PR people in particular) try to use SM tools as they would traditional PR. SM is in many ways the opposite, and it takes time to figure that out and get it in your DNA.
OTOH, if your client loves what you are doing for them, none of the above matters. :-) At the end of the day, business is as subjective as every other part of life!
This is my world limit for posting on discussion boards - I will likely carry it further to my own blog!
Let's plan a Social Media Club Hawaii event on Maui for 2010. Are you interested in helping? I've got a few others who are.
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