
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

The Google Japan Tokyo office requires unique Japan/Global individuals with in-depth technical expertise and product development experience – if you have any ideas or referrals, I would appreciate that very much.

See position summary below.

Google Product Manager -- Tokyo, Japan Office

  1. Undergraduate Comp Science degree from leading university.
  2. Extensive Web/mobile product management/development experience. Advanced graduate degree preferred. Able to prototype, guide Engineering, interface with Marketing for product launch and drive consumer usage. Passionate about product innovation, development, launch. Start-up CTO/CEO or top management consulting firm experience a plus.
  3. Requires knowledge of Japan Web/mobile app/product market and Japan study/work/living experience. Some Japanese language ability helpful.
  4. Based at Tokyo Google office in Roppongi Hills. Relocation for candidate if now based elsewhere.

Contact: Ray Tsuchiyama (Google Tokyo Office) Email: rtsuchiyama (at)

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