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I was blown away when reading this Parrot Secrets article forwarded by Pat.

According to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, Parrotsecrets has been around since May, 2004 or almost five years, during which it has generated more than $2 million for its owner. The owner of Parrotsecrets isn’t Nathalie Roberts, isn’t even a woman, and isn’t even American. He’s Indian and lives in India. When Parrotsecrets began he lived (and still lives as far as I know) with his parents, who are both medical doctors. When the site started in 2004 he was 18 years old, making him 23 today.

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"The owner of Parrotsecrets, for one thing, doesn’t even own a parrot. Rather, the owner set out to find a niche in the information economy that could be filled with eBooks as sold here." - from Cringley's Parrot Secrets Article

As they people in the comments contend, this sounds like a scam.
It may be a scam, but there seems to be varying opinions. I don't think the fact he doesn't own a parrot or uses a nom de plume qualifies it as a scam. I write about lemurs despite the fact I don't own one (unless you count my large collection of stuffed lemurs.) If, as one commenter contends, he doesn't provide access codes after payment then we obviously have a problem :-)
John said:
"The owner of Parrotsecrets, for one thing, doesn’t even own a parrot. Rather, the owner set out to find a niche in the information economy that could be filled with eBooks as sold here." - from Cringley's Parrot Secrets Article
As they people in the comments contend, this sounds like a scam.
Yes. Doesn't everyone?
Brian Russo said:
Wait, wait, wait..

You have a collection of stuffed lemurs??
We support lemur conservation. They are plushies :-) I wouldn't want to upset this longtime TechHui member.
That story is so inspirational, I love it. There is still money to be made on the web!
I have re sold tons of surf maps over the years, off my hawaii surf site, I always thought about creating my own ebook. Unfortunately there is a stigma to creating surf maps in hawaii, everyone doesnt want you to give away thier "secret spot"

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