
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Can you expand this group to include other kinds of renewable energy, or should I start a separate group for that? I'm not involved, but I'm excited by the state's initiative to let a company put photovoltaic panels on the roofs of state buildings. I wonder if any will take them up on the offer. I guess it depends on whether solar power is really viable yet or not.

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I'm not the Dan that started this group, but I don't think he will mind.

I'm also excited about this initiative. All that roof top space has always struck me as wasted opportunity. In addition to solar opportunties I believe we should start requiring buildings in large cities to have green roofs. Tokyo has a law requiring new buildings greater than 1,000 square meters or over one-quarter acre to green at least 20% of its useable roof space. This is primarily to reduce to the urban heat island effect, but there are many other benefits. Anyone who has spent time in Tokyo during the summer knows you can fry an egg on the sidewalk! Germany has also been a leader in this space for many years.
BTW - If you want to expand the scope to "Clean Energy" or "Alternative Energy" you are welcome to leave a note for Dan. Group names can be changed by their creator.

Alternatively you are welcome to create a new group.
Dan Dean (the group creator) responded and said he would expand the group to "Green Energy".



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