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Following Michal Anne Rogondino impressive presentation on GUI at the Unconferenz, there was a lively discussion. Anyone interested to meet up to continue the talk? I'm interested to perhaps share each other's GUI designs and provide feedback to one another. I think that would be really helpful to me.

p.s. Michal Anne, what presentation software do you use? Didn't look like your typical powerpoint!

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Great idea! I would attend a GUI meetup. If you need a space, I can provide a conference room at our office.
I would be interested in attending too. I don't have any GUI designs or knowledge to share, but I could provide some user feedback, at least.
Speaking of GUI, let's talk about this one. I saw the Reply To This sideways triangle (link) below Dan's reply, but looked for and failed to find the Reply To This downward triangle, text area, and Add Your Reply button below your post. I finally found it after I replied to Dan, and kudos to Ning that I was able to delete my reply and add it again at the top level, but I think that maybe having the one with the downward triangle in a reverse video header at a smaller font size contributed to my failing to find it in the first place.
I'd be happy to meet up again for a GUI talk....
i'm off-island Jan 31 - Feb 10 but i won't be offended if you schedule it sometime the
OK - How about the first Wed of every month we meet in the big conference room at MIC. I will reserve it for us. Michal Anne - do you want to do the first presentation? I'm happy to do a presentation on hybrid UIs (desktop apps with embedded web content.)
Thanks so much Dan for providing the conference room at MIC! How about we make it for the 2nd Wed of each month so Gabe can also attend the first meetup? Does that work for everyone?
That sounds fine.
Thanks for being so accommodating!

However, realistically speaking - if we plan on having a group of more than five people meet, there will seldom be a date that works for everyone - moving it to the following week may just mean someone else can't attend... So whatever date is chosen is fine. Of course, I'd like to see it take place the second week - but in the interest of "getting things done", I completely understand if a date is set without reference to any one person's individual schedule.
Its been a day and no one has complained, so lets just go with the second Wed.

Do we have any volunteers for the first session (Feb 13)? Ideally I would like to have some breathing time after another presentation I am doing on Flex and Silverlight at Honolulu Coders.

I'll take care of the conference room today.
Well - the original structure as outlined by Truman was to provide feedback on each other's designs

that seems good

if people want - we could perhaps expand the format and also let people give short talks (5 minutes) on lessons learned regarding any facet of web design (e.g., selecting and managing designers; IA for multilingual websites)

to juice the conversation, would it be helpful if, 48 hours prior to the meeting, those planning to attend each posted a list of 3-5 websites whose design they love - and 3-5 websites whose design they detest? It would probably be helpful if people referred to web applications - there are plenty of beautiful websites - but beautiful web applications are much scarcer.

just some thoughts...
Second Wed it is. Thanks for getting the conference room, Dan. I'm sorry that I'm going to miss your talk on Flex/Silverlight; I'll be at a conference.

Great ideas Gabe. If we do have multiple speakers,how about we establish a topic for each session? For example, Feb 13 could be UI design principles, next month could be how to select/manage designers, ect. Then we each can give short talks on that one topic. And afterwards move on some kind of interactive workshop activity.

For example, if we chose UI Design Principles as our first topic, for our workshop activity I'd suggest a couple rounds of mock usability testing:

* set up a computer running someone's app
* have another person (not the developer) volunteer to act as the user
* have the user complete some common tasks
* debrief discussion on any usability concerns/suggestions/comments

What do you think of this article on UI:
I learned a new acronym from that article: WUI (web UI) as opposed to GUI
> the original structure as outlined by Truman was to provide feedback on
> each other's designs

That sounds good. Less work :-)

> 48 hours prior to the meeting, those planning to attend each posted
> a list of 3-5 websites whose design they love - and 3-5 websites whose
> design they detest?

I like this idea!

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