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Demoing at DemoFall 08!


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Congrats to Henk, Lorenz, Cory, Oliver and the iLovePhotos team! We look forward to taking iLovePhotos for a spin.

It will be really fantastic when iLovePhotos incorporates facial recognition (matching.)
Congratulations, iLovePhotos!

The product looks great. I'll need to go download and try it out when they make it available (which they say will be in a few hours).

Here is the video of their presentation at DEMOfall 08.
Yikes - Google just added face tagging and matching to Picasa 3. Not only does it recognize faces, but you only tag a person once and it finds them in other pictures.

Their desktop app is only available for Windows, so there is still the OSX angle.
Aloha Daniel, Gabe and Truman,

On behalf of the whole BLT team, a big Mahalo!

Please check out this video that introduces iLovePhotos.


Thanks everyone! Its been a crazy week that's for sure. The DEMO event was awesome. We got a lot of good press coverage and a lot more coverage that has not been released yet.

To date nobody has released desktop software with face detection/recognition. The picasa 3 software does not have recognition...only picasa WEB has this.

Our philosophy is that you should tag your photos BEFORE you upload to the web, that way you retain the work you've done tagging your photos, and have the power to filter by specific people on your entire library (not just the photos you've uploaded online)

Once you do decide to share online, the connections between the people in your photos happen automatically.

Now off to get this software out!

Much Aloha, Cory

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