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What are three ways that the UH ICS program could improve?

If you can think of more than three things, then please limit your response to your top three!

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1) Very time consuming. Learning new languages, doing assignments and projects, sitting in front of a computer for half the day, every day is not a very healthy life style.
2) Costly. Keeping up with technology means having to buy the technology and it is always improving so we have to stay updated.
3) The lack of courses to choose from and how fast they run out of room. This makes it harder for students with fewer credits to get all the classes they want.

1. A little more specialization in classes if you are interested in any one subject it should give you the option of taking it and do still have general classes to give people exposure.

2.Theres no specific ICS area.

3.I think it would be nice if the books weren't so expensive for some of the other classes.

Three ways that the UH ICS program could improve:

1. More classes, simply offer more classes. There aren't a lot of options to fill the major electives requirements. I'm pretty much taking what I can get just to satisfy graduation requirements.

2. In addition to more classes, I think classes need to be offered more than once a year, and at more convenient times. I mention this because there have been times where a class was only offered during Fall semester that started at 6 or 7 at night. The lack of classes combined with missing opportunities to take a course have extended my stay at UH by about 2-3 semesters.

3. Online courses should also encourage meeting on campus, at least once a week. I like how convenient the online courses are and think that it's better for college students to manage to their study time, but collaboration with your classmates is also important.

Three bad things about being a UH ICS student:

1. More professors so there can be more classes offered each semester would be nice.

2. Class times can be a problem because a lot of ICS classes are late in the day in you take a morning class for another subject you may be in school for over 8hrs.

3. I liked the small classes that taught in the labs so you can work with the professor on the computer and would like to see more of those.

1. Some classes are only available during the spring/fall. I would like to see some of those courses offered at least once a semester.

2. Honestly I feel that some instructors have ridiculous expectations (for an introductory class)... I'm sure many of my peers will agree with me.

3. At the start of the semester some of the classes have a lab. Speeding up the time it takes to recieve the login info would be nice. (It wastes valuable lab time, which I feel is important for hands on experience). One semester it took about 2-3 weeks. Fixing the email being sent to the spam box would be nice too.

1. Having a dedicated study area for ics students.

2.A few more writing intensive courses

3.see if we can get the student computers in Sinclair and Hamilton to run a few of the IDE's we need for courses.

1. The little to none available networking classes

2. The almost random way it is decided which classes are available from semester to semester

3. Clubs. We need some ICS clubs!

1. Having at least 2 sections in certain class like the 200s and 300s classes would be great, especially since they seem to have the most amount of ICS students compared to other classes. A lot of students seem to bottleneck around this area.

2. I would like to see more introductory hardware classes, since our program is primarily software orientated.

3. Availability of certain classes can be a problem as students could possible have to wait 2 or more semesters until that course is offered again.

1.  Course availability.  Some of the courses listed in the online course catalog are no longer being offered.  This makes it difficult especially if you find a class that seems interesting only to find out its not being offered.

2.  Limited timeslots.  Maybe if they were to have a course offered in the morning and in the afternoon, more students would be able to take it and not have to wait another semester.

3.  More WI courses.  Because there is no lower level ICS course which fulfills WI requirement, I've had to take it in other departments.  I would have preferred to take an ICS course with a WI than an English course.

1) More courses to meet our focus requirements. It is always a scramble to find classes that suit what is needed.


2) It would be great to have a place for ICS students to hang out, network, and study.


3) More courses in general. It would be awesome if the school offered more specialized courses for students to gain ideas of where they may want to focus.

1. Class availability. I think this is one of the major problems with the UH ICS program. Due to a lack of professors, oftentimes courses are only offered once a year, making it especially difficult when planning for future semesters, when there are not enough seats in the class, and when there are time clashes with other classes. This also applies to elective courses of interest. Since many of them are offered for a specific semester, the student must take into account the number of seats in the class and the schedule, and hope they will get in.

2. Major required courses. There are some classes that I feel should be required for graduation, but unfortunately are not. When I initially entered UH, OS was not a required class (it is now), but by the time I realized how beneficial it would be for me, it was too late to fit it in my schedule as I neared graduation. This applies to many other course areas that I feel students should have at least some knowledge in to prepare them for any job or internship situation.

3. Clubs. I think the ICS department would really benefit from having more extracurricular organizations available to the students. As far as I know, there is only the GreyHats, but it would be great to have a much more general club where students can gather, discuss, and gain advice/insight from their fellow colleagues. This would boost the sense of community between the students and it provides a great outlet for interaction outside of classes.

1:  Assignments are heavy and clash with assignments from other classes.  Spreading out homework would be best to learn programing in an organized manner.

2:  Classes sometimes require equipment that the student is unable to get.  Besides a laptop/computer, equipment need to connect to the systems used the the class should be easily accessible or already present, especially for Mac users as most already have Windows accessibility.

3:  There should be a study group where students can ask professors or teacher assistants questions in person so they both can look at the same screen and solve the students' problem more quickly and without the time wasted between e-mails.



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