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What are three good things that the UH ICS program is providing for its students?

If you can only think of one thing, that's OK too.

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1) There is a lot of hands-on coding experiences you can gain from taking ICS courses.  

2) The program helps students develop their professional portfolio which would be beneficial for their careers.

3) The courses have a lot of emphasis on teamwork which allows people to connect to each other quite easily.

1) They encourage collaboration with other students which I feel is a great way to learn.

2) It helps to prepare you after graduation by helping you create your professional persona and giving you most of the skills you will need outside of school.

3) Software tools are easier to access. Access to software tools means we can use better coding tools which is always a plus. 

1. A focus on subjects besides coding like team work, project management, and networking.

2. Letting us know about opportunities available for us in our field. 

3. While the work is hard, it feels good to do well on projects that I've spent time on.

1.) The ICS department is good at providing career opportunities for students.  Its great to know that there are many opportunities for us to find jobs through internships and by contacting faculty members of the ICS department.

2.) The professors in the ICS department are great.  Their care for their students is shown in their class structure as they constantly refine the course to make it easy for students to learn and provide help for students to succeed in their class.

3.) Besides the content learned in class, the courses we take in the ICS department also teaches us good work ethic and habits that we can apply to other situations in life.

1. It's a rewarding program. Despite how challenging it can get, I feel accomplished after taking an ICS course. 

2. You learn skills that are used outside of school. Throughout my college experience, I've taken quite a few classes where I forget everything I learned right after passing the class. Classes in the ICS program teach you skills such as networking and various programming languages that you need to retain in order to succeed in the field. 

3. You create friendships and bonds with people who share the same interests. People I've met through the ICS program have always been helpful and welcoming. 

1. Having a dedicated study area.

2. Students have access to free software as well as advanced computer hardware in some labs.

3. Classes often incorporate group projects where it is necessary to collaborate.

1) Not sure if it's specific to ICS, but the website is very helpful in setting goals and achieving milestones. One feature request would be to integrate the calendar schedule from that website into Google calendars or iCal, that way students can have a centralized area to check for tasks from other classes as well.

2) Having small classrooms for classes that need more "personal" time, like ICS 311 or ICS 212. They allow for more time to interface between student and professor/TA.

3) The ICS program successfully ties classes together in a logical order. For instance, a prerequisite for ICS 321 is ICS 141, because you need to know programmatic logic if you want to query a database.

1. Enthusiastic Professors: As a Computer Engineering student, ICS 314 is my first ICS class. Since the first day of class, Professor Johnson is engaging and has a lively attitude towards teaching.

2. Learning different programming languages.

3. Being able to work in groups for projects and other assignments allows us to build ours skills to collaborate with our fellow engineers and create a network among our peers.

I am a Computer Engineer and ICS 314 is my first ICS class. Three good things about being ICS/CE:

  • Learning different languages and coding styles.
  • (As CE) Working in larger, semester-long projects.
  • Gaining the skills to improve ourselves as Software Engineers.

1. A study area that is open at all times for students to collaborate and study.

2. Office Hours - Most, if not all, professors offer office hours for students to get help.  This is a great way to not only get help but further understand the material of the class.

3. Smaller lab sections - These smaller lab times are great because we have more individualized attention and we have an easier opportunity to ask questions.

1. Course variety seems to be great, there are a many more courses that are available for students to take in order to further a particular interest. 

2. ICS 314 is my first ICS course, however it feels a lot more interactive than my courses in Computer Engineering. The professors are a lot more engaging and spend time to interact with students and answer questions. 

3. Smaller class sizes - I noticed that class sizes are significantly smaller in ICS, which may attribute to what I wrote for my second response. 

1.Dedicated space for ICS students

2.Professors working in the industry

3.Microsoft software available for free



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