
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Thinking Design: Creating Memorable Images with Duane Preble and Philippe Gross

Event Details

Thinking Design: Creating Memorable Images with Duane Preble and Philippe Gross

Time: August 27, 2013 at 6:30pm to September 3, 2013 at 9pm
Location: UHM Krauss Hall 12
Street: 2500 Dole Street
City/Town: Honolulu
Website or Map: http://www.outreach.hawaii.ed…
Phone: 956-8244
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: Susan Horowitz
Latest Activity: Aug 22, 2013

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Event Description

Explore the language of visual design and its relationship to the creative mind. In addition to theory, participants have hands-on experience through drawing, design, and photography. Drawing, design, and photography are fundamental to sharpening one's observational abilities, elevating design skills, and heightening visual communication. Focused experience helps you see beyond habitual seeing and strengthens visual expression in all media. No prior experience in drawing or photography needed.


Prerequisites: bring a camera or cell phone camera, a note book/sketchbook with blank paper, and a Design Ebony jet black extra smooth pencil (#14420)


Tuesdays, August 27 and September 3 • 6:30-9pm


Art activist, author, painter, and photographer, Duane Preble is a University of Hawaii professor emeritus.  He has taught a wide variety of courses, including introduction to the visual arts, art history, photography, drawing, color and design. He is the original author of Artforms--an introduction to the visual arts, used by 300+ colleges and universities nationwide.


Psychologist, author, and photographer, Philippe Gross is a Kapi‘olani Community College instructor. Gross's doctoral work combined two passions, photography and Taoism, which led to a best-selling book: The Tao of Photography: Seeing beyond Seeing. Gross has received many awards for his photography.

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