Time: September 25, 2009 from 3pm to 7pm
Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/University%20of%20Hawaii/60/203/21
Website or Map: http://www.techhui.com/group/…
Phone: 808-429-6600
Event Type: social
Organized By: Sam Joseph
Latest Activity: Sep 15, 2009
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University of Hawaii System Second Life Island Party
"Start your Semester Right!!!"
Friday, September 25th 3-7pm Hawaii time (will run as late as you can keep on partying)
New avatar orientation 3-3:30pm
Party landing Point: http://slurl.com/secondlife/University%20of%20Hawaii/60/203/21
Following the success of our first event celebrating the University of Hawaii in Second Life, we're hoping you'll join us to start your semester right! Here are the photos from the previous party.
Join us on September 25th to meet University of Hawaii Second Life users (students and faculty and researchers) from various departments and see our island, which replicates part of the Manoa campus and is used for meetings, classes and research. We will have music, dancing, tours of teaching spaces and research areas, and activities.
An orientation session will be held at 3pm for new users. To attend you will need to download the Second Life program (http://www.secondlife.com) and have an account, both free (see below for instructions). If you don't have access, come see the party on the big screen in POST 309 (or campus center?).
Questions? E-mail Sam (srjoseph@hawaii.edu) or IM Sam Solomon in Second Life.
Get a Second Life Account:
1.) Registering for a free SL account requires name and email. Go
to https://join.secondlife.com or use the convenient procedure set up
for academics through this Web site:
(You may skip the Assistive Technology and Information Request pages)
2.) Think carefully about choosing your avatar name, it cannot be changed;
although you can create multiple avatars.
3.) You get your account and avatar immediately upon registering.
You can then
download the free Second Life client software.
After downloading the SL client you can login for the first
You will land at the Orientation area on Virtual Ability Island.
4.) Teleport to UH System Island by clicking, or pasting this link into a Web browser. It opens a Web
page with a Teleport button that takes you directly to the UH Island Orientation area:
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