Time: September 11, 2010 from 9am to 4pm
Location: UH Mānoa Sakamaki C104, Manoa MultiMedia Lab
City/Town: Honolulu, Hawaii
Website or Map: http://www.outreach.hawaii.ed…
Phone: +1 (808) 956-8244
Event Type: class, lab
Organized By: Pacific New Media, Outreach College, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
Latest Activity: Aug 31, 2010
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Instructor: Seth Ladd
Fee: $135
Register for: L10867
Related TechHui Group: Rails Hackers
To Register: Class Registration
Ruby on Rails is the most fun way to build interactive web applications. Ruby is a terse, yet expressive, scripting language designed for programmer happiness. Rails is the productive and feature-rich web application framework that is powering some of the world's most popular websites, like Twitter and Hulu. Learn both Ruby and Rails and how to use them to build, and deploy, real life data driven web sites. This course teaches you just enough Ruby and a whole lot of Rails, and at the end of the day you have a working application live on the internet! Topics covered include: web application engineering, forms, databases, validations, emailing, and basic Ruby principles. This course is designed for people with solid computer experience, but little to no programming experience.
Seth Ladd has been developing web applications for over 14 years, and still has a blast doing it. After trying them all, he believes the most productive and fun web framework is Ruby on Rails. He has a wide array of skills and experience, including all aspects of web development, engineering, and deployment. Seth organized and produced Aloha on Rails, the Hawaii Ruby on Rails Conference. He is currently building large data warehouses with Ruby on Rails for the US Military, and is a co-founder of a local real-time metrics analysis start-up (also built with Rails!) For more info, please visit http://sethladd.com Register Now
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