
Hawaiʻi's Technology Community

Introduction to Adobe Dreamweaver with Colin Macdonald

Event Details

Introduction to Adobe Dreamweaver with Colin Macdonald

Time: October 23, 2010 at 9am to October 24, 2010 at 4pm
Location: UHM Sakamaki C104
Street: 2530 Dole Street
City/Town: Honolulu
Website or Map: http://www.outreach.hawaii.ed…
Phone: 956-8244
Event Type: workshop, -, to, register, call, 956-8400
Organized By: Susan Horowitz
Latest Activity: Oct 23, 2010

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Event Description

Dreamweaver is the most widely used professional website creation program. Combining an easy-to-use visual authoring interface with a powerful HTML source-editing interface, Dreamweaver consistently wins rave reviews for its unique abilities and features. Students are led through the process of setting up and creating a website, importing text and images, implementing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to fine-tune the visual style of your content, and using Dreamweaver library items and templates for a rapid and consistent production workflow.

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of the Mac environment and a generally high comfort level with computers is required.

Colin Macdonald instituted the first multimedia courses at the UHM Department of Communication, where he taught multimedia design and development for over a decade. Previously, he directed creative services for the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. As an art director for A&M Records in Canada, he gained extensive knowledge of print media. He has conducted traditional media and multimedia training courses in Asia, Hawai‘i, and the U.S. mainland for over 15 years. He is a core faculty member of Pacific New Media.

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